Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting
November 11, 2002
Pete Popp
Kathleen McCormick
Dave Aspenson
Bill Fischer
Mark Cookson
Marne Trujillo
Ken Bonitz
Chad Boekes
Homeowner's at Large:
Shari Wilson
Gary Fish
John Monson
Tony and Kathy Alcini
Sandy Bonitz
Bob Lorenz
The Executive session called to order at 7:15 p.m.
The first topic was a discussion of officer roles. There are two vacant positions - Vice President and Treasurer. The Treasurer's responsibilities are to collect dues, pay bills (~ 40 checks a year), reconcile bank account, prepare budget, file tax return, maintain insurance policies (we have $1M on common area and $1M policy on board of directors), keep the mailbox key, and give Title companies closing letters. Dave estimated this took ~ 3 hours per month. Ken Bonitz asked if we did an audited treasurer's report. We do not.
Secretary: The secretary's responsibilities are to file an annual report with the Secretary of State, keep address database, send out notice of annual meeting, get proxy letters mailed out, order stationary, and mail out notice of annual meeting.
Vice President: The VP backs up the President, backs up the Covenants Committee, does the water Augmentation Plan, interfaces with the Great Divide Water Company. Kathleen estimated this is ~ 2-3 hours per week.
President: The President keeps everything under control, handles neighbor calls and legal issues, and interfaces with committee leads. Currently Pete, the President is in the process of purchasing common area from Glen Jacks on behalf of the WR HOA. Next we (the HOA) will ask Glen Jacks for well permit for common area wells. The time commitment is ~ 7 to 8 hours per week.
HOA Board Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m.
The first subject was the common area swingset. The cost is $2,993 for the swingset, $900 for installation, $4K for site work. The recommendation is to pay for the swingset and installation. Homeowners can volunteer time to do the site work. There was some discussion about when to do this, either this fall or spring. Pete also looked into 2 - 6' benches, but the cost is $1372. Bill Fischer motioned to purchase the swingset now and Chad seconded, all agreed. Kathleen suggested for future capital expenditures that we put the proposed capital expenditures in proxy letters. Chad will be the point person for the leveling process to prepare the area for the swingset. Gary Fish said that he is in favor of spending a little more up front for something that is of quality and will last and will look good.
The next topic was the water issue for the Filho's. Mark wanted to discuss the current policy of water violation fines for first time offenders and suggested that maybe we put the homeowner on "suspension" instead for the first year. And, we can monitor the homeowner throughout the year. It is less confrontational for the first time out. Pete explained what we have done in the past. Bill Fischer pointed out that we are talking 2 different issues. One is with the Filho's and the other is discussion of changing the water violation rule and fine process. Marne said that the Filho's have made no effort to contact the board. There was significant discussion about why the Filho's are not interested in addressing the board. Chad motioned to have Mark go to the Filho's to discuss the covenant violation issues. Ken seconded the motion. Bill said he agreed as long as no enumeration of fine is presented to the Filhos. All were in favor.
Bill thought there was another issue about changing the covenant violation fine process. At the next meeting we can discuss this.
The next topic was the covenant violation by the Filhos - unauthorized sheds and playhouses on property. One structure that was on the common area has been moved. Pete and Kathleen presented pictures of the unauthorized structures. Pete said the first covenant violation letter has been sent. Mark motioned to discuss these issues with the homeowner at the next meeting. Chad seconded. All agreed.
The next violation topic was Lorenz' unauthorized fence. Bob Lorenz was in attendance. The first letter that Bob received from the design review committee was that the plan for the fence was 'Not Approved, which he says is NOT a 'Rejection.' Bob suggested that the board should notify the violation homeowner that the violation would be discussed at the board meeting so that they could attend. Bob said that he complied with the DR guidelines except that the fence is viewable from the road. Gary said that his concern is that homeowners can bypass a denied plan by building it anyway and they approve it after the fact. Mark suggested that Bob put in landscaping to hide the fence. Marne agreed but that we impose a timeline for compliance. Bill Fischer said that there was no ill-intent in denying approval for the fence. He said that Bob did not try to work with the board to come to a resolution. Mark motioned that Bob should put bushes in front of the fence and the fence could remain. Chad seconded. Pete counter-motioned that we table the issue for 60 days. In that time, Bob submits his plan, presents to the DRC, which will review the plan and then decide whether to approve. Ken seconded. Mark withdraws his motion. All were in favor of Pete motions.
There is another consideration to review the DRC to clarify the guidelines regarding fencing.
The next covenant issue was related to a complaint about John Monson's home. John Monson is in attendance. The complaint letter stated that the Monson's grass is too tall in safety zone. The covenant states that we have a 30 foot greenbelt law but we can't because we can only irrigate 1500 square feet. This is a conflicting rule in the DR guidelines. The second complaint relates to slash piles. Bob asked about if there was anything we could do as a community to get rid of slash piles. Ken suggested that he investigate getting a dumpster in the neighborhood and people can remove slash piles. John is planning to remove the slash pile when the forest slash collection point removal process starts back up. The third complaint was that the Monson's had an unsightly yard. However, John has a DRC approval for his fence.
To go forward, once we have officer's elected, the DRC will address these issues.
The first new business topic was the budget. We need to have the budget done in January so that it can get approved and ratified by the February meeting. Mark will talk with his contact about the 5-year plan.
Next, we discussed the process of notifying neighbors about the next HOA meeting: Kathleen believes that the meeting should be posted earlier than 1-week early. Shari would like to know so that she can post it on the web site. Pete proposed that we have board meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month until some of our issues are resolved. Chad seconded and all were in favor.
The next topic was the election of officers. Gary wanted to volunteer for either the DRC or Covenants Committee. The officer's chosen are:
Treasurer: Chad Boeckes
Secretary: Marne Trujillo
Vice President: Ken Bonitz
President: Pete Popp
Bill seconded for all positions and all were in favor
The finall issue was about a letter posted at the mailboxes that was written to appear as if it were meeting minutes form the annual meeting in October. Pete requested that we keep things abover board and show respect to all board members (and neighbors). Pete is going to send a letter to the homeowners about the letter and to notify all neighbors that the letter was not an official letter from the board.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm.
Created on ... May 30, 2004