
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

September 20, 2006

Montgomery's 19820 Roaming


Posted 12/27/06

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order by Jim Montgomery at 7:30.

  2. Attendees:
    1. Board members: Jim Montgomery, Gary Fish, Tony Gallo, Frank Gyetvan, Brian Freese, and Brian Sells.
    2. Committee members present: Sonja Sabath (treasurer) and Beth Gannon (landscape).
    3. Homeowners present: Lynn Mattie.

  3. Minutes - the following corrections were made to the May 17, 2006 minutes:
    1. Corrected spelling for Sonja Sabath's name.
    The minutes were approved with the above amendments.
    M/S/C: Gary Fish, Frank Gyetvan, approved (6/0)

  4. Treasurer's report:
    1. Sonja reported that presently we have $2,262 outstanding in HOA dues to collect. Second notices have been sent out.
    2. Sonja presented to the board a copy of the current balance summary sheet, profit and loss statement, reconciliation summary, and reconciliation detail reports. The board is on target for all of is budgets and the current ending checking balance is $39,521.26

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Covenant Committee
      1. One report of a metal storage shipping container on a homeowner's lot - The homeowner has been contacted and the container will be moved soon.
    2. DRC
      1. One landscape plan was submitted and approved.
    3. Landscape Committee
      1. Beth Gannon reported that Elk Creek Meadows (the company that we use for mowing) came out and did some mowing of the common area recently (but did not finish) and will be coming back out soon to finish up the last mowing for the year.
      2. Beth Gannon reported that the committee will get bids and contract out weed spraying for the common area trail, parking lot and playground.
      3. Jim Montgomery will contact Mario Salazar to shutdown the sprinkler system for winter.
    4. Maintenance Committee
      1. i. Nothing new reported.

  6. Old Business
    1. Common Area Spruce Up
      1. Spray for weeds.
      2. The board agreed it would be nice to start a committee to do the research and planning for a common area pavilion. Currently there are no volunteers.
    2. Annual Meeting - The board reviewed the agenda and preparations required for the Annual Wissler Ranch HOA meeting.

  7. New Business:
    1. a. Web Site
      1. Shari Wilson said that she will continue as the web master for the Wissler Ranch HOA web site. Thank you Shari.
      2. Gary Fish to check web site and make sure that all meeting minutes for the year have been sent to Shari Wilson for posting to the web site.
    2. Open - Nothing new.

  8. Meeting was adjourned at 8:12. M/S/C: Brian Freese, Brian Sells, approved (6/0).

    Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
    Last updated December 27, 2006 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project