
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

April 19, 2006

Ray Kilmer Elementary School


Posted 5/22/06

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order by Jim Montgomery at 7:35.

  2. Attendees:
    1. Board members: Jim Montgomery, Sonya Sabath, Mike Sabath (by proxy), Frank Gyetvan, Bob Lindow, Brian Freese

  3. Minutes - the following corrections were made to the March 15 minutes:
    1. Minutes will list board members and home owners who attended.
    2. Notes on the Treasurer's report and the Covenant Committee report were deleted.
    3. Under "Covenant Committee", the following comment was added: "Krebill will have a letter sent to him concerning his water meter. He did not respond to the phone call."
    4. Brian Freese's name was misspelled.

    The minutes were adapted with the above amendments.
    M/S/C: Bob Lindow, Frank G, approved

  4. Treasurer's report:
    1. El Paso County verified Wissler Ranch's non-tax status.
    2. February and March Profit and Loss statements were submitted (see attached documents) and filed with the secretary.
    3. Annual water dues were paid in March.
    4. Three (3) checks not paid out from 2003 were cancelled.

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Covenant Committee
      1. The water meter violation letter was sent to Krebill, 4/10/2006.
    2. DRC
      1. Two (2) landscape designs were approved

  6. Old Business
    1. The water report proposed by Nick Dienes, Tony Gallo, Frank Gyetvan was provisionally accepted with the following changes:
      1. Section 7: the phrase "to appear before the Board of Directors" was removed.
      2. Add a section on water features.
      3. Section 4, eighth line: change "clothes driers" to "clothes washers".
      4. This document will be reviewed by the Board and voted on at the October, 2006, annual meeting.
      5. Section 8: Add words that fines will not be levied until 1/2007.
      6. Tony Gallo and Frank Geytvan sent a clarification letter to Rich Snyder, District 10 Water Commissioner. (See attachment)
    2. Jim presented editions of the Design Guide and Covenants. (Attached). Red print are additions, red highlights are deletions.
    3. Sonya discussed special declarant rights. (More detail needed)
    4. Sonya briefly discussed SB100. More information needed.
    5. 2006 budget (see attached)
      1. Hereafter, the budget should be presented and discussed in January and adopted in February. We are late this year.
      2. Because of this, we will discuss the Budget at the May HOA meeting and adopt it at that time. 2006 budget was approved by the Board: M/S/C: Frank, Brian, approved.

  7. 7. New Business:
    1. Brian will present the Tri Lakes Disposal proposal before the next meeting.
    2. A request for a wedding reception parking permission (7/1/2006) was approved with no issues.
    3. Maintenance contract: Sonya will provide Bob Lindow with a copy of the contract. Bob will see Beth Gannon for details.
    4. Brian will email Shari Wilson (Wissler's website admin) the March and April minutes.

  8. Meeting was adjourned: 8:30. M/S/C: Frank, Brian, approved.

Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
Last updated May 22, 2006 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project