
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

Kilmer Elementary School

August 14, 2003


Board members attending
Mark Cookson
Ken Bonitz
Chad Boekes
Shari Wilson
Bob Lorenz
Gary Fish

Community members attending
Steve Ellison

Meeting called to order at 7:32pm

Minutes not dispensed.


Due to other pressing matters during the executive session, the board was unable to review the legal recommendation on water. This will be tabled until the next meeting.

Steve Ellison asked if gray water retaining system could be used. This will be researched.

No one from DRC committee was in attendance. Mark Cookson reports that the DRC committee is currently reviewing and responding to plan submissions within two weeks.

Bob Lorenz has submitted recommendations for changes to the DRC regulations. Three copies were giving to Jim Montgomery to be reviewed by the DRC committee.

Steve Ellison submitted house plans to Mark Cookson to give to DRC committee for review.

Hanson property - still in foreclosure

Walker property - contacted 8/10/03. He has plumber lined up for mid-September. He wants to place the meter on his monument post at his entrance. Gary Fish will follow up by 10/1/03 that the meter has been placed.

Fihlo property - Mr. Fihlo has a meter. Will be verified when Mark Cookson and Ken Bonitz visit with him this month.

Ken Bonitz reminded board at final home walk through with DRC committee that they check to see that the home is equipped with a functioning external water meter.

20425 Lockridge - Mr. Gyetvan was contacted 8/10/03. Trailer will be moved by 9/15/03. Mr. Gyetvan currently is in the process of building a second garage. Mark Cookson states plans have been approved. Trailer will be off the property until the garage is complete then stored inside.

Gary Fish will follow up by 10/1/03.

Gary Fish would like to set a protocol for communicating with people in violation.

Ken Bonitz motioned that Gary Fish would draft a written procedure to approach covenant violators, the subsequent follow up, and closure. Gary Fish seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Gary Fish reported that the police have a report (#03-10604) filed 7/30/03 on the bullet holes in the Lockridge Dr neighborhood watch sign found on 7/23/03.

Chad Boekes states there is currently $30,191.10 available in cash.

Ken Bonitz had not heard a response from Tia Salazar on the exact cost of the recording device. Ken will talk with Tia Salazar to validate the cost and confirm she is willing to take control of the minutes.

See Attachment 1 for annual meeting recommendations.

Bob Lorenz motioned that the annual meeting take place Wednesday October 15, 2003 from 7pm till 9pm. Ken Bonitz seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

Bob Lorenz motioned that notices be sent out by September 12, 2003. Proxies should be included and contain the names of board candidates. Members should be given a choice of assigning the proxy to the HOA Board President or voting on three candidates of their choice. If any other issues are presented in writing prior to the meeting, the member should be allowed to vote on the issue. A notice of the upcoming annual meeting, election of officers and requests for candidates will be sent with the president's newsletter by September 1, 2003. Chad Boekes seconded. Motion passed unanimously.

It was suggested that meeting regulations and agenda in Attachment 1 be followed.

Annual meeting will be finalized at the next board meeting.

Ken Bonitz motioned that the next board meeting be September 4, 2003. Chad Boekes seconded. Motion passed unanimously. .

The annual picnic is set for August 23, 2003. Chad Boekes asked if a tent is once again desired. All felt that it was important. Tables used for the spring BBQ are currently unavailable. Tables are needed to put the food on. Chad will look into renting a tent and tables for the picnic. Bob Lorenz will bring the bratwurst. Rhonda Conrad and Margie Boekes are responsible for the remainder of the food and drink.

Discussion took place on whether or not the HOA should purchase alcohol for this event. It was felt that it was too much liability for the HOA to provide alcohol. There is not a problem for individuals to bring alcohol to the picnic. WELL PERMIT

Chad Boekes is to call the attorney to have him obtain the quit deed permit from its current holder and have it placed in the HOA's name.


Shari Wilson sent by email a copy of the covenants to be posted on the web site for review. Board members are asked to review by September meeting and send corrections to Shari.

The current board is unsure that it has all the documented information on previous board activity. Email was sent out to Peter Popp at the time of his resignation to obtain all of the documentation he had obtained during his tenure. Ken Bonitz received some documentation. It is felt that the documentation is spread out amongst former board members.

Ken Bonitz motioned that a letter be sent out to all previous board members since October 2000 and request that hard and soft copy documentation on all HOA board and committees be sent to Shari Wilson (our current record keeper). Gary Fish seconded. Motion passed.

Shari requested HOA meeting dates for the rest of the year. The board set the following dates: September 4th, October 15th (Annual meeting), November 13th and December 11. Shari will update the web page accordingly.

Ken Bonitz set action plan for time to be set aside at next meeting to discuss water meter readings for 2003. Ken Bonitz would like to set date for readings, which usually occur around November 1, who will do the readings, and a notice be left that the meter was read and what amount is the usage.

Discussion on commons area 1,5,and 15-year plan was done. Ken Bonitz states the landscape architects he has talked to are interested in developing a master plan for our common area. He feels they have not gotten back to him secondary to lack of financial motivation. It is desired to have a conceptual master plan and tentative costs for the annual meeting. At the board's request, Ken will again contact the landscape architects and pursue costs for a conceptual plan to include but not be limited to; pavilion, main entrance monument, and entry fencing for all three entrances.

Ken Bonitz states that 1 week prior to each board meeting a notice is placed on the notice board at the mailbox. Someone regularly removes this notice within 24 hours of posting. Discussion on placing a locked notice box, for board use only, be pursued. Ken Bonitz will look into the cost of purchasing and placing a locked notice board at the mailbox.

Bob Lorenz motioned the meeting adjourn. Chad Boekes seconded

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

Next meeting September 4, 2003

Created on ... December 04, 2003

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project