
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

August 19, 2004


Board Members in attendance
Mark Cookson
Jim Montgomery
Marne Trujillo
Gary Fish

Members at Large
Mike Quaite
Mike Juhasz
Frank Gyetvan
Bob Lee
Lynn Roth
Kathy Ray
Tim Ray
Dennis Roth
Kathleen McCormick

  1. Minutes
  2. July 2004 minutes were approved. Mark explained how the minutes will be posted on the website shortly after the meeting as unapproved and after approval, we will post them as approved.

  3. Covenants
  4. Mark discussed the covenant process and how this is becoming a major issue within the community. The 2 biggest issues with respect to covenant violations are trailers and visible garbage cans. Mark and Gary are going to spend some time this weekend getting covenant issues under control.

  5. DRC
  6. There are 2 new house plans submitted since the last meeting and a couple of questions regarding garages - what types of materials, etc.

  7. Treasurer's Report
  8. Mike Coulup was unable to attend this evening's meeting so Mark provided the report. As of today, there are ~ 25 lots that have not paid. This board approved a 20% late fee assessment if dues have not been paid within 3 months of the due date. Mike drafted a letter notifying homeowner's of the late fee and the letters have been sent out.

  9. Entranceway Improvements
  10. Within the next few weeks, we will remove the logs. Within a few weeks of this time, we will have the new structures erected. Timeframe for landscaping is not determined yet. We have some work to do to get estimates, make plans for landscaping, etc. We discussed needing community involvement to help remove logs and help plant bushes, etc.

  11. Community Picnic
  12. The picnic will be September 18th from noon to 3 to hopefully avoid afternoon rainshowers. We will have a clown for the children. We will provide brats, hamburgers, etc. Community members are asked to bring a passing dish. We will provide a Port-a-Potty.

  13. Annual Meeting
  14. The meeting will be Thursday evening, October 28th at Kilmer Elementary. Notices will go out at least a month before the meeting.

  15. Fire District
  16. Wissler Ranch is divided into 4 filings. Filing 1 is part of Tri-Lakes. Two people in Filing 4 are trying to get signatures from Filing 4. Some people are more than 5 miles from Tri-Lakes; however, Mark found out that if we get a whole filing to commit to a fire district, our fire risk code will still go down. Mill rates will go up, though when we commit to a fire district. Frank G. will take charge of getting signatures for Filing 2. Kathleen will fax the addresses for the different filings to Mark. We do not have someone to handle Filing 3.

  17. New Issues
  18. Lights at the mailbox area keep going out. Mark will let Mike C. know about so he can get these repaired.

    Mike Juhasz asked what the procedure is for installing a hot tub. He will submit plans to Jim Montgomery.

    We discussed the procedure for this year's water meeting, which will happen November 1. We will have the same person perform the water meeting readings.

Posted 9/19/04

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project