
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

February 15, 2006

Ray Kilmer Elementary School


Posted 5/22/06

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President, Jim Montgomery, at 7:30 p.m.

Jim Montgomery; Tony Gallo; Gary Fish, Frank Gyetvan; Brian Sells; Nick Dienes; Brian Freese; Mike Sabath and Sonja Sabath.

The minutes for the January 18, 2006 were approved with the following minor changes. 1) Correct spelling for Frank Gyetvan name; 1) Complete water usage sentence, it should end with 7.2 million.
M/S/C Brian Freese / Frank Gyetvan / All approved.

Treasury Report (presented by Sonja Sabath):

  1. Paid 2006 annual Wissler Ranch non profit corporation filing fee to the Colorado Secretary of state.
  2. Purchased the "Roberts Rules of Order" for the board to use in running our meetings.
  3. Presented the checking balance sheet report and a profit and loss report for the HOA.

Covenant Committee Report:
The covenant committee had nothing new to report.

Design Review Committee Report:

  1. Roof pitch variance: All members of the DRC reviewed and approved a variance to the minimum roof pitch from 5/12 to 4/12 for Jayson Bjurstrom (19570 Box Oak Way). All DRC members agreed that the house drawings shown with the 4/12 looked acceptable.
  2. Request for shed approval: The Cowdrey's (20125 LOCKRIDGE DR) request for a shed was denied.

Water Usage Report

  1. Water commissioner Rich Snyder for water division #2 told board members Frank Gyetvan and Tony Gallo that we are only required to take one water meter reading per year. His statement was that the January meter reading that Wissler Ranch took this year was not required. He said that inside / outside water usage was calculated using an 80/20 rule. For the purposes of calculating outside water usage, they assume that approximately 80 of your water usage is inside and 20 percent is outside.
  2. Tony Gallo and Frank Gyetvan presented the results of the recently taken water reading. The report showed that if the current usage is maintained that Wissler Ranch will use (75.5 percent) or 12,266,876 gallons out of our allotted 16,251,802 at full build out. This calculation took into account outside water use by adding and additional 20% to our inside water usage.

Old Business

  1. Discuss water usage policy: Action item taken (see below) to draft a new water usage policy.
  2. Discuss rewriting design guidelines and covenants:
    1. Nick Dienes presented the following recommended approach.
      1. Use Woodmoor as a model
      2. Compare Woodmoor and Wissler covenants (items and organization) Note relation to bylaws and design
      3. Make recommendations on overall articles and relation to design
      4. Determine what covenants d / design guidelines to eliminate, add or change
      5. Assign tasks / responsibilities
      6. Determine review / resolutions process ( suggest 2/3/ or 1/2 board approve up or down by HOA)
      7. Recheck compliance with SB 100
    2. Assignments were made to board members to be the lead for particular sections of the covenants.
  3. Review Draft 2006 budget proposal: The board discussed and reviewed the 2006 draft proposal. Several changes were suggested that will be incorporated and present to the board at the next HOA meeting.

New Business

  1. Moved that we rescind the policy to provide a $100 gift certificate for board members retiring after completing three years of services to the community. M/S: Jim Montgomery / Frank Gyetvan - After some discussion the board concluded that a vote was not needed because the board felt that the policy had never been voted on in an official board meeting and therefore was not a policy that was currently in effect.
  2. Pavilion - Discussion deferred to a future meeting.
  3. Brain Freese stated that he would provide information to the board on a volume discount being offered by Tri-Lakes Disposal.

A motion was made to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. M/S/C. Brian Freese / Jim Montgomery / All approved.

Action Items

  1. Send email with November meeting minutes to Shari Wilson and Copy Jim Montgomery. Actionee: Gary Fish
  2. Call the County Treasurer to verify our non-tax status on the command area land and to see if we are due a refund for taxes previously paid. Actionee: Sonja Sabath
  3. Get in writing directions given to Wissler Ranch from Rich Snyder regarding compliance with the water decree. Actionee: Frank Gyetvan, Tony Gallo
  4. Draft a new proposal for water usage enforcement. Actionee: Frank Gyetvan, Tony Gallo, and Nick Dienes

Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
Last updated May 22, 2006 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project