
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

July 19, 2006

Montgomery's 19820 Roaming


Posted 10/8/06

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order by Jim Montgomery at 7:30.

  2. Attendees:
    1. Board members: Jim Montgomery, Gary Fish, Tony Gallo, Sonja Sabath, Bob Lindow, Frank Gyetvan, and Brian Freese.
    2. Homeowners present: None.

  3. Minutes - the following corrections were made to the May 17, 2006 minutes:
    1. Corrected spelling for Brian Sells name.
    The minutes were approved with the above amendments.
    M/S/C: Frank Gyetvan, Tony Gallo, approved (6/0)

  4. Treasurer's report:
    1. Twenty three homeowners have not paid their 2006 HOA dues yet. Sonja will send out a second letter to these twenty three homeowners to let them know that they are past due on there HOA dues bill.
    2. The Wissler Ranch HOA electric bill is back to its typical amount. Last month the bill was five times the typical amount and the board suspected that the reason for the high electric bill was the malfunctioning well pump circuitry.
    3. Sonja reported that bills received to date (except for the previous month's electric bill) have been on target per the budget.
    4. Sonja reported that we have some recent lot/homeowner address changes and that she will email an updated address list to the board members.
    5. Sonja reported that she is currently doing some research to determine if the Wissler Ranch HOA needs to file a tax return. Since we are a non-profit corporation there are no taxes due, but we may still need to file a tax return.
    6. Sonja reported that financially Wissler Ranch HOA is doing well. We are keeping within our budget and have maintained our cash reserve balance above the minimum threshold set by the board.

  5. Committee Reports
    1. Covenant Committee
      1. Krebill water meter violation issue; the meter was replaced on 5/15/06 and the issue is now closed.
      2. Grant dog issue (dog crossing the electric fence); Nick has talked to the owners and made them of aware of the problem. Nick will check back again to verify that the problem has been resolved.
      3. Lazechko dog issue (more than three dogs, and constant barking during the evening); Nick visited the house and the dogs were barking. The owner agreed to bring the dogs in earlier in the evening and will consider using a barking collar. Nick will check back to make sure the problem is resolved.
    2. DRC
      1. Nothing new to report.
    3. Landscape Committee
      1. Beth Gannon reports that Elk Creek Meadows (the company that we use for mowing) can not do the spraying of weeds in the common area because they are not licensed for that type of work.
    4. Maintenance Committee
      1. Bob Lindow has completed re-staining and replacing the rain gutters on the front and sides of the mailbox area structure.
      2. Bob Lindow will get an estimate to spray for weeds on the playground, parking lot and walking trail.
      3. Bob Lindow will get an estimate to fix the bend culvert and to place rocks around the culverts for the common area entrance driveways.

  6. Old Business
    1. a. Motion was made to pass the water usage policy proposed by Nick Dienes, Tony Gallo, and Frank Gyetvan with minor changes as discussed during the meeting. M/S/C: Brian Freese, Frank Gyetvan, approved (5/1)

  7. New Business:
    1. Discussed preparations for the annual meeting.

    Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
    Last updated October 8, 2006 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project