
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

October 19, 2005


Posted 11-03-05

Attendance: Gary Fish, Sonja Sabath, Mike Sabath, Jim Montgomery, Nick Dienes, Tony Gallo, Gerry Major
Homeowners: Karen Smitherman, Richard Major, Brian Freese, Fran Freese

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Gary Fish, President, at 7:37 pm at the home of Richard and Gerry Major, 4475 Wavy Oak Dr.

Motion: Gary moved to review and approve the minutes of the September meeting. The minutes were approved with one change. The reports from all committee members will be due on November 1st, 2005, instead of one week before the annual meeting. The change was made and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Covenants Report: Nick stated that there were no new open issues. There are four open issues at this time:
1) Pillars done by Barbara McGrath (this issue will be discussed by Jim Montgomery and Nick Dienes) no solution at this time
2) The fence on Palmer Divide was approved. The chain link fence inside it was not approved.
Motion: Nick moved that if the chain link fence is not removed in two weeks, he will address it with the homeowners. The motion was seconded by Sonja Sabath. All approved.

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer's report is attached. There is also a copy of Senate Bill 05-100. Sonja asked each board member to read and study the issue. There will be a discussion on it at the January meeting. There are at present, 6 outstanding dues that have not been paid. The owners have been notified. Gary stated that Mike Coulup, the past Treasurer sent out letters for the past dues. Sonja stated that we now have a good accounting system in place, Quick Start. This will help with our budgeting.

Landscaping Report: Sonja did some research for the HOA for a Landscaping company who could not only mow the common area, but do the extra work there that had to be done. She contacted ELK CREEK, which currently mows the commons to do this work plus blow out the sprinkler system before it freezes. ELK CREEK asked for an itemized list of all the work to be done before they give us a bid. Gary prefers to go with one company who can do it all, rather than one for the mowing and another for the extra work. Sue Shields is still looking into it also. Sonja will call Mario Salazar regarding the blowing out of the sprinkler system, or get a company to do it as soon as possible, as this is a vital issue. There will be more discussion on these issues at the January HOA meeting

SB 05-100 Bill: Nick Dienes volunteered to head up a committee to study this bill and give a report to the HOA in January. Other volunteers to help Nick are: Tony Gallo, Gerry Major, Brian Freese, and Fran Freese.

DRC Report: Jim had no report at this time. He will have an October report to present at the Annual HOA Meeting in November. He stated that the Fence that backs the Palmer Divide was approved. The Mauer Shed on Lockridge was not approved. Nick suggested that a DRC committee be formed to go over the DRC requirements as there are many concerns. This committee would go over all the issues and make possible changes to the DRC and how to implement them. At the Annual meeting, Jim will report the concerns, issues and future implementation of the DRC Guidelines and Rules.

Planning for Annual Meeting: We now have 3 opens on the Home Owners Board.
Sonja agreed to get an updated list of all the homeowners to us before the Annual Meeting.
At the Annual Meeting in November, Sonja, Nick, Barbara Dienes and Jim will sign in the homeowners and compare the proxy cards with the sign ins and count the votes for the election of Board Members. If the Homeowners dues are not paid up, they will not be able to vote. There will be a roll call for the Board and a roll call for the homeowners. There needs to be a Quarum for the meeting to go on. Nick suggested that every Board member have a particular job to do in the future. This will be discussed at a future meeting. There will be a motion to waive the reading of the minutes, as the minutes are posted on the WEB and there will also be copies of the minutes available at the meeting. In the future, Gerry will post the minutes at the mailbox area. The minutes are also put on the WEB site. Mike Sabath suggested a question and answer period at the end of the meeting.

Action: Gary asked Gerry to call Kilmer to rent an overhead projector for this meeting.

New Business: This is in regards to the Maurer shed on Lockridge. Since it was moved on to the property without written permission, the HOA Board has over-ruled the DRC verbal permission on the following counts:
1) it looks like a shed, and not a building in keeping with our covenants
2) it is an unapproved structure, based on information that was not clear
3) It is not on a foundation, but on blocks
Gary moved "whereas the DRC gave verbal approval to the Maurers on Lockridge to keep the shed that they moved on to the property (without written permission) and based on insufficient information and whereas the Board has received a letter of complaint from the neighbors, as they will not agree to a variance on the set back, be it resolved that this Homeowners Board is overruling the Approval of the DRC for this shed".
Nick seconded the motion. A vote was taken. All approved.

Gary will call the Maurer's as soon as possible to tell them of the decision, and Nick will draft a letter to them as this shed is in violation of our covenants.

In the future, the DRC Guidelines will be studied and explained clearer as to how to implement them in a way that is in harmony with our community.

Mike Sabath prepared a proposal to Appendix B of the Water Penalties and presented it to the Board. Further discussion will come at a later meeting. The Board now has a policy in place to allow over usage on a yearly basis if written approval is obtained. Gary submitted a letter to the Board for additional water usage.
Nick moved to table this discussion and approval for overusage until the January meeting because there are many issues that need to be studied first. Jim seconded the motion. It was voted upon. All were in favor.
Tony wants the Board to have a committee on Water Usage and amend the standing Water Usage Overages. He and Frank Gyetvan are in charge of the water meter readings and reporting them to the Water Board. Nick moved to have more discussion on this and Tony seconded the motion. All approved.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 pm

Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
Last updated November 3, 2005 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project