
Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association Board Meeting

September 21, 2005


Posted 11-3-05

The Meeting took place at the home of Gerry and Richard Major, 4475 Wavy Oak Dr, Wissler Ranch. The informal meeting started at 6:30 pm.

Attendance: Gary Fish, Mark Cookson, Gerry Major, and Frank Gyetvan. Homeowners who attended formal meeting at 7:30 pm were Sue Shields and Lynn Matte.

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Gary Fish at 7:37 pm.

Motion: Gary moved to approve the minutes with one improvement: On the Annual Picnic report, he moved to add Lynn Matte's name to the report. Motion was seconded by Mark Cookson. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Water Report: Mark Cookson read the usage report , which is enclosed. He stated that if anyone wants to go over their allotted 122,700 gallons, they must submit a letter to the HOA Board for approval. This is done on a yearly basis. Gary Fish stated that he would submit a letter for more water usage to the Board for approval. Frank Gyetvan and Tony Gallo will be in charge of the water reading cards and the reporting of our usage to the Water Company.

Covenant Report: There was no report as Nick Dienes was out of town.
Issue: A question was raised by Frank Gyetvan regarding the Parker building house on Twisted Pine. There was concrete left in the swail and easement. He suggested that Nick look into this.

Treasurer's Report: Sonja Sabath was unable to attend, but submitted the Treasurer's report. It is attached.

DRC: There was no DRC report, as Jim Montgomery was out of town.

New Business:

  1. Gary announced the Annual HOA meeting will take place on Wednesday, November 16th at Kilmer Elementary School from 7 pm to 9 pm. Gary asked Gerry Major (Secretary) to mail out the letters for this, plus the Proxy Cards and the Annual Water Meter Reading cards. Gerry agreed to have them in the mail within a week.
  2. Decorating the Entrances for Christmas: Gary will ask Lynn Roth to head up the upcoming decoration. All Wissler Ranch Residents are invited to help. It will take place on November 19th (Saturday am) from 9 am to 10:30 am at the Main Entrance. Hot chocolate and cookies will be served and it will be a nice time for neighbors to get together and make our entrances look beautiful for the holidays.
  3. Mark Cookson brought up the following future projects:
    1. we need to hire someone to take care of the front entrances
    2. need to hire someone to shut off the drip system and winterize it.
    3. Stain and improve the mailbox area
    4. Fix the well-it is not deep enough
    5. Improve the walking path
    6. Electricity for the picnic area
    7. Look at future improvements for the side entrances
    8. HOA to possibly buy a Canopy to be used for the picnic and possibly rent out for future events in the area.

Sue Shields volunteered to look into a landscape company or a maintenance company who could do some of these projects. She said she would bring the information to the next board meeting. She suggested possibly asking the Boy Scout Organization to do the walking paths. She will look into it.

Gary asked Gerry Major to head up the Activities Committee and give a report on it at the Annual HOA Meeting. Gary asked all the Committees to have their report to him a week early before the Annual Meeting in November.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gerry Major (Secretary)

Wissler Ranch Homeowner's Association
Last updated November 3, 2005 Approved Minutes

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association
20325 Wissler Ranch Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Web site design by Rogers Project