National Night Out

National Night Out (NNO), Tuesday, August 7th, is an annual event promoting crime prevention and drug prevention in communities across the country. Each year, Wissler Ranch host an event in the common area and invites the El Paso County Sheriff’s office to speak.

From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on August 7th, Wissler Ranch residents are asked to lock their doors, turn on their outdoor lights and spend time with their neighbors and the El Paso County Sheriff.

The Wissler Ranch Night Out will be a pot luck supper in the Common Area.

Please bring chairs for your family and food to share with guests from the Sheriff Department. Also bring picnic tables if you have them. Wissler Ranch Neighborhood Watch will provide eating utensils, table cloths and drinks (water and lemonade).

As a reminder, Wissler Ranch needs someone to volunteer as the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. Please contact the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office Neighborhood Watch Coordinator for information.
(719) 520-7151

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