Board Meeting Minutes July 14, 2018

Wissler Ranch HOA Board Meeting Minutes
July 14, 2018

• Call to Order: The July Board of Director’s meeting was called to order at 10:15 AM at the Monument library.

• Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members and homeowners were in attendance:

Board Members:
President – Jim Keefe
Vice President – Hal Goldback – absent due to family commitment
Sharla Davis
Wayne Gardner
Pete Popp – absent due to work commitment

Other Officers:
Secretary – Sharla Davis
Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick

Committee Chairs:
Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis
Design Review – Wayne Gardner
Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – absent
Infrastructure – absent
Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)
Website/IT – Al Maurer
Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: Eric Brizzie, Barb Doremus, Rose Keefe, Ken & Terry Powers, Jack Windeler

• Reports:
– Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and passed to approve the June minutes. The June board meeting minutes were posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board.

– Officer:
– President: no report

– Vice President: no report

– Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report; WR continues to be in good financial standing. All outstanding collections have finally been paid. The HOA switched banks to ENT since our previous bank’s updated policies were not in Wissler Ranch’s best interest.

– Committee:
– Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-controlled community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, the Design Review Guidelines are part of and included in the Covenants.

– The Board determined that a homeowner has shown substantial compliance in correcting numerous, open covenant violations – item closed.

– Jim sent a certified covenant violation letter to a homeowner who failed to comply with a courtesy covenant reminder email for several violations. The property has been non-compliant for over two months.

– Jim will send a certified covenant violation letter to a homeowner who failed to comply with a courtesy covenant reminder email for parking an RV on site for an extended period of time without a parking variance request.

– Design Review: Wayne discussed the numerous items he and Pete are working on;
– Parking lot improvement construction will begin the end of July; a motion was made and passed to approve the $3000 over-budget amount. Homeowners ratified the 2018 budget with a $12,000 line item for this project.

– The mailbox asphalt repair has been rescheduled; should be completed next month.

– Forestry (includes Fire Wise): absent; however, there was much discussion on Fire Wise.
– Infrastructure: mailbox lighting repair was discussed. Wayne is researching solar panel options. Hal is still working the cistern/pump issue.
– Neighborhood Watch: National Night Out is August 7th. Volunteers are needed to provide tables and help set up for the potluck event. Set up will begin around 4:30, program will start around 6:00 PM. Please email if you can provide tables and/or are able to help. Thank you!
– Website: Al Maurer has graciously volunteered to help update our website. He has numerous helpful suggestions/ideas and will be working with the Board on the improvements. Thank you, Al!
– Welcome: Sandy welcomed three new families to the neighborhood; is still trying to catch up with one; and, will be welcoming four more in the near future.

– Old Business:
– The Board is still pursuing options reference hiring a management company. The decision is tabled.

– Reminder: the annual homeowners’ meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 1:00-3:30 at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church.

– New Business:
– There was discussion on covenants and covenant enforcement. Jim reminded those in attendance that the current Board of Directors has adopted a policy of impartiality and consistency when it comes to enforcing the covenants as they are written. Residents are encouraged to review the Covenants at to ensure they are compliant at all times and to avoid the perception of “policing.”

– The next board meeting is scheduled for August 25, 2018, 10:15-12:00 PM, at the Monument Library.

– A board hearing will be conducted to review potential covenant violations. July’s hearing was cancelled due to the lack of a board member quorum.

– Future meeting dates are posted on the mailbox bulletin board as well as the website calendar.

• Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:10 PM.

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