Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes October 20, 2018

• Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch annual meeting of the members was called to order at 1:35 PM in room 103 of the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church.

• Roll Call and Certification of Proxies: Secretary Sharla Davis reported that there were 43 people present in person and 39 represented by proxy for a total of 82 homeowners in attendance. A quorum was established; a minimum of 55 was required.

• Proof of Notice of Meeting: The annual meeting notice was mailed to all home/lot owners on Sept. 20, 2018.

• Reports:

– Officer/Committee:

– President: Jim Keefe welcomed everyone, thanked them for coming, and introduced the board and treasurer. He reminded homeowners that all meeting minutes/important info are posted on the bulletin board as well as the website, as are all slides, etc. from past meetings. The website is the primary source for all things Wissler Ranch. He reiterated the importance of homeowner communication and requested members turn to him/board for questions, concerns, clarifications, etc., of neighborhood issues.

– Covenants: Sharla Davis reported the Wissler Ranch Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions are in “the best interests of all the members of the Association and necessary for the health, welfare, and safety of its members.”

– Courtesy emails are sent as reminders of covenants when an issue is brought to the attention of the committee. Jim addressed a concern of “daily covenant patrols.” Wissler Ranch does not have or enforce such a thing. Sharla read a copy of an email sent to five homeowners who had more than one sign posted at the end of their driveway in response to a complaint over an “unfair notice.” There is no mention of “violation” or “fine” in any of these reminder notices.

– Design Review: Wayne Gardner reported the Design Review Committee (DRC) had their busiest year ever reviewing 17 requests including new home plans/landscaping, deck rebuild, playground equipment, fencing, and a solar panel install. The DRC continues to work closely with the Covenants Committee in ensuring DRGs and covenants are abided by.

– There was much discussion on mailbox lighting lightning-strike repairs and interim fixes.

– Wayne & Pete reminded all in attendance that any changes to a lot/home must have DRC approval prior to the start of a project.
– Forestry/FireWise: Deb Bullock reported the Colorado State Forest Service neighborhood forest health review will be on October 23rd & 24th from 9:00-3:30. Infested/damaged trees will be marked with orange tape and homeowners will have until June 2019 to remove those trees. Pine beetles swarm in late June/early July and the trees must be removed prior to the swarming season to prevent spreading.

– The annual Firewise meeting was held in May. Jim reported that as of Aug ’18, Wissler Ranch’s ISO rating is still “3Y.” Susan Grant attended the CO Wildland Fire Conference in Pueblo last April.

– Infrastructure: Hal was unable to attend the meeting. Bill Fisher mentioned he & Hal have been diligently researching our cisterns and that the project is a work-in-progress. They have been in contact with surrounding neighborhood HOAs for possible area-wide participation/ contributions to cistern upgrades and/or a new well permit for a fire-fighting designated well in Wissler Ranch.

– The committee worked with the DRC on the parking lot repair. The restoration project was completed in Aug.

– Neighborhood Watch: The Neighborhood Watch chair is currently vacant; Jim Keefe is the interim. The position has been vacant for 2 ½ years; please contact Jim if you are interested in volunteering.

– National Night Out was held in the common area in Aug and approximately 20 people attended.

– Water: Sharla Davis reminded those in attendance that Wissler Ranch water usage is determined by the CO Division of Water Resources Court Decree, Great Divide Water Company augmentation plan, and Wissler Ranch covenants. Homeowners are allotted 122,194 gallons per year. Annual water meter readings must be reported by early November. Notices and reporting cards will be sent to all homeowners. Please read your meters on Nov. 1st and provide the results via card or email by Nov 6th.

– Welcome: Since Sandy was not able to attend the annual meeting, Barb Doremus mentioned that is was the busiest year ever for the Welcoming Committee.

– Treasurer: Kathleen McCormick reminded homeowners that Wissler Ranch is non-profit, not tax exempt. All income comes exclusively from our dues which pay operating expenses and fund capital reserves. The 2018 proposed budget will be reviewed and voted on by the board at the next board meeting in Nov and will be voted on by the homeowners in Dec at the Budget Ratification Meeting. The treasurer’s report is posted on the website.
– Annual dues are due February 15, 2019.

• Old Business:

– Reading and disposal of 2017 Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes: Last year’s minutes were reviewed; a motion was made and passed to approve as written.

– In response to the passed motion of recommending the Board raise dues 10% to increase capital reserve funding, most notably for cistern upgrades, annual dues were increased to $198 starting 1 January 2018.

– A homeowner’s request to replace the missing stop sign at the intersection of Still Glen & Twisted Pine was resolved. The county Department of Transportation installed a new sign in November.
• New Business: Jim Keefe asked homeowners to email him with inputs/ideas and to keep the lines of communication open.
– Homeowner Forum: Two homeowners submitted requests to speak, Ed Garner and Chris Nitchals.
– Ed Garner expressed his concerns over lighting, common area maintenance to include fire mitigation, and neighborhood safety;
– Chris Nitchals requested the board move on from past events and focus on the future. He encouraged all HOA members and the board to work together for the betterment of our community.
– There was one item for homeowners to vote on: disposition of capital reserve funds. Kathleen McCormick passed out ballots. Results will be counted, validated, and posted on the bulletin board following the meeting.
• Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM.

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