Board Meeting Minutes August 25, 2018

• Call to Order: The August Board of Director’s meeting was called to order at 10:17 AM at the Monument library.

• Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members and homeowners were in attendance:

Board Members:
President – Jim Keefe
Vice President – Hal Goldback
Sharla Davis
Wayne Gardner – absent due to family commitment
Pete Popp

Other Officers:
Secretary – Sharla Davis
Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick

Committee Chairs:
Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis
Design Review – Pete Popp
Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – absent
Infrastructure – Hal Goldback
Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)
Website/IT – absent
Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: Jim & Jean Daly, Rose Keefe, Mark Schwalm

• Reports:
– Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and passed to approve the July minutes. Those board meeting minutes were posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board.

– Officer:
– President: no report

– Vice President: Hal provided an update on the cisterns; all members agreed the costs should be divided among neighboring HOAs.

– Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report; WR continues to be in good financial standing. Wissler Ranch funds were moved from CO Community Bank to ENT.

– Committee:
– Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-controlled community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, the Design Review Guidelines are part of and included in the Covenants.

– Courtesy emails were sent to four homeowners reminding them of the design guideline that states one sign may be posted at the end of the driveway. Two are now compliant; two have failed to abide by the reminder. Another note will be sent.

– Courtesy emails were sent to three homeowners reminding them of the design review guidelines for outdoor lighting; all lighting issues have been resolved.

– The DRC reminded those in attendance that slash piles are a covenant violation if they have been on site for an extended period of time; courtesy emails will be sent reminding homeowners to remove their slash piles in a timely manner.

– Jim will send another certified covenant violation letter to a homeowner who failed to comply with the first violation notification letter for reflective signs/number of signs and dead landscaping; the homeowner has been non-compliant for four months.

– Design Review: Pete discussed a few of the items he and Wayne are working on;
– There was much discussion on the mailbox structure/electrical system;

– Two projects will be looked at for failure to have DRC approval prior to start/completion.

– Forestry (includes Fire Wise): absent; however, there was much discussion on Fire Wise; Forestry review will be in Nov with particular emphasis on the common area.
– Infrastructure: mailbox lighting repair was discussed. Wayne is researching solar panel options; Hal is still working the cistern/pump issue.
– Neighborhood Watch: Jim mentioned approximately 20 people attended NNO. A special shout out to Barb Doremus, Sandy Maurer, and Rose Keefe for their help in setting/cleaning up…thank you!
– Website: the website is much improved in looks and functionality…thank you, Al!
– Welcome: Sandy is waiting to welcome three new families to the neighborhood.

– Old Business:
– The Board is still pursuing options reference hiring a management company. The decision is tabled.

– A board hearing to review potential covenant violations was not conducted due to the homeowner not attending.

– Reminder: the annual homeowners’ meeting is scheduled for Saturday, October 20, 1:00-3:30 at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church. Discussion on agenda/planning occurred. A request was made to ensure all audiovisual support is in place and operational.

– New Business:
– A motion was made and passed to authorize the collection of administrative fees for commercial transactions. The amount is to be determined once Hal does some research on a fair and reasonable charge.

– The 2019 budget plan was discussed.

– The board passed a motion to deny a homeowner’s request for 90-day on-site RV storage. Jim will send a letter notifying them of the board’s decision.

– The next board meeting is scheduled for September 22, 2018, 10:15-12:00 PM, at the Monument Library.

– Future meeting dates are posted on the mailbox bulletin board as well as the website calendar.

• Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM.

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