National Wildfire Preparedness Day

Saturday, May 1st is National Wildfire Preparedness Day.  Debbie Bullock, the Wissler Ranch FireWise Coordinator, will be in the common area from 10-12 with informational materials and to answer any questions.   Please follow state and local Covid social distancing guidelines.

FireWise procedures pamphlets are available in a box on the north wall of the  mailbox structure.  It includes a handy checklist.

FireWise certification requires neighborhoods to participate in educational and risk reduction activities every year.   As you work on your lot (or pay someone else too!) please keep track of your hours for things such as hours spent raking, number of trash bags filled, slash removal or hardscape installation and report these numbers to Debbie Bullock at to be included in the report for our Firewise  certification.

FireWise Plant Material

Immediate Zone – Non-Combustible

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