Wissler Ranch Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes  October 24, 2020

  • Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch annual meeting of the members was called to order at 10:00 a.m. via Cisco WebEx virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions
  • Roll Call and Certification of Proxies: Secretary Sharla Davis reported that there were 22 people signed in online and 30 represented by proxy for a total of 52 homeowners in attendance. A quorum was established; a minimum of 45 was required.
  • Proof of Notice of Meeting: The annual meeting notice was mailed to all home/lot owners on Sept. 22, 2020.
  • Reports:

– Officer/Committee:

             – President: Jim Keefe welcomed everyone and thanked them for their virtual attendance. Due to the pandemic, the Board has had to change the way it conducts HOA business; monthly and annual meetings have been virtual since April 2020. Per the HOA’s lawyer, these virtual meetings satisfy all HOA legal and Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) requirements.

                        –  Jim reminded everyone that since Wissler Ranch is a covenant-protected community, the HOA and its Covenants fall under CCIOA provisions and that the Design Review Guidelines, which are also part of the Covenants, are based on the El Paso County Land Development Code.

                                    – With regard to Covenants, the Board has a ‘reminder’ approach to covenant violations, where multiple email reminders are sent to homeowners prior to initiating the violation process, if necessary.

                        – Jim reported that Wissler Ranch is now a member of the Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Associations (NEPCO), an informational, non-partisan organization. NEPCO, “serves to facilitate communication and interaction among the member homeowner associations and residential areas of northern El Paso County in order to exchange ideas on topics of common interest to the members, and develop collective responses to the county on issues affecting quality of life.

                        – Jim also mentioned some important, upcoming dates: Nov. 1st, daylight savings time ends so be sure & set your clocks back one hour; Nov. 1st, water meter readings should be taken and submitted to the Water Reporting Committee no later than Nov. 5th.

                        –  He also reiterated the importance of homeowner communication and requested members turn to him/Board for questions, concerns, clarifications, etc., of neighborhood issues.

            – Design Review: Wayne Gardner reported that the Design Review Committee (DRC) had a very busy year reviewing 24 different projects/requests including house construction; deck, landscape, raised garden plans; sheds, garages, playhouses; fencing, fire pits, hot tubs; mitigation; and, entrance columns.

                        –  The DRC continues to work closely with the Covenants Committee. Wayne commented that the DRC helped homeowners save money and avoid potential covenant issues through their involvement.

                        – Wayne reiterated that any exterior changes to property, home, or detached structure must have plans submitted to the DRC and project approved prior to starting any activity. It is a covenant violation otherwise.    

                        –  Wayne also asked homeowners to please be mindful of DRC guidelines when positioning fixtures or purchasing/replacing light bulbs. These guidelines are posted on the website.

– Forestry/Firewise: Deb Bullock, Forestry Chair, reported that the Colorado State Forest Service neighborhood forest health review will be deferred this year due to common area tree mitigation.

            – The Colorado State Forest Service has a Forest Stewardship Program

            – Wissler Ranch has been recertified as a ‘Forest Wise Community.’ This award is presented to communities that have done “significant mitigation and homeowner education.”

            – The National Fire Protection Association has established new guidance on the Home Ignition Zone – Zero to Five Feet. This is the immediate zone where flammables such as wood mulch, and trees and shrubs should be discouraged. Please email Deb at forestry@wisslerranch.com for more information.

            – Jim reminded homeowners that the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church is home to the Emergency Preparedness Group, which helps educate and support the community in all areas of disaster planning and preparedness, as well as assists in local emergencies. Please visit epg@tlumc.org for more details.

Infrastructure: Hal Goldback spoke on the cisterns and how he is coordinating the future replacement project by partnering with the Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District and researching contractors/methods. The cistern project is vital in keeping Wissler Ranch homeowners’ insurance ratings low.

            – The committee also worked with the DRC to repair the mail kiosk lighting; main entrances are pending review.

            – Neighborhood Watch: The Neighborhood Watch chair is currently vacant; Jim Keefe has been serving as the interim since 2015; please contact him if you are interested in volunteering.

                        – The annual National Night Out event was cancelled for 2020 due to state-mandated COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings. We will plan on an August 2021 event.

            – Water: Sharla Davis reminded those in attendance that Wissler Ranch water usage is determined by the CO Division of Water Resources Court Decree, Great Divide Water Company augmentation plan, and Wissler Ranch covenants. Each lot/well is allotted 122,194 gallons per year. Annual water meter readings must be reported by early November in order to submit our state-mandated report on time.

                        – Notification letters and reporting cards were sent to Tri-Lakes Printing on October 15th, with a requested send date of October 19th. Please read your meters on Nov. 1st and provide the results via card or email no later than Nov 5th.

                        – Reminder that late/no reporting and/or overuse are potential covenant violations and must be addressed by the Board of Directors.

            – Welcome: Sandy mentioned that Wissler Ranch had a ‘healthy moving season’ this year; 12 homes were put on the market, 9 have sold so far. Sandy welcomed the nine new neighbors and will reach out to the others when the properties sell.      

             – Covenants: Sharla Davis reported that we are a covenant-protected community and the Wissler Ranch Declarations of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions are in “the best interests of all the members of the Association and necessary for the health, welfare, and safety of its members.” Residents are legally obligated to abide by all covenants, design guidelines, rules, and policies.

                        – Courtesy emails are sent to homeowners as covenant reminders when potential issues are brought to the attention of the committee. The Covenants and Design Review Committees continue to work closely together to help homeowners avoid possible violations.

            – Treasurer: Kathleen McCormick reminded homeowners that Wissler Ranch HOA is non-profit, not tax exempt. All income comes exclusively from our dues which pay operating expenses and fund capital reserves.

                        – Kathleen screenshared the financials and the 2021 notional budget.

                        – The 2021 proposed budget will be reviewed and voted on by the Board at the next board meeting in November and will be voted on by the homeowners in December at the Budget Ratification Meeting. The treasurer’s report is posted on the website.

                        – Annual dues will be due February 15, 2021.

  • Old Business:

            – Reading and disposal of 2019 Annual Homeowners Meeting Minutes: Sharla emailed copies of last year’s meeting minutes to the Board; a motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve as written.

 New Business: Jim Keefe stated the one item for new business was voting on the disposition of any operating budget funds left at the end of the budget year.

                         – Due to the virtual format of the meeting, Kathleen McCormick was able to create a ‘Yes/No’ poll. The poll was ‘opened’ so homeowners could vote on returning the funds to homeowners as a credit on their dues (‘No’), or put the excess in Reserves (‘Yes’).


                                    – 22 ‘yes’ votes plus 30 ‘yes’ proxies; motion carried

  • Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:14 a.m.

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