Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes November 21, 2020

  • Call to Order: The November HOA Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:02 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members, and homeowners were in attendance:

 Board Members (quorum established):

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback  

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner  

Pete Popp

Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick

Committee Chairs:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – absent

Infrastructure –Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – absent

Homeowners (via login link): Scott (?)-incorrect registration, Terry Powers, John Lynch, Debbie Hinnen

  • Reports:

Reading and Disposal of Minutes: motion made and seconded to approve the September minutes; motion passed.

 – Officer:

            – President: Jim reported from the NEPCO meeting that more round-abouts will be going in on Hwy 83 in lieu of traffic lights.

            – Vice President: Hal sent an email message to TLMFD requesting a status report on their budget.

            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report and screen-shared the WR financials.     


            – Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, the Design Review Guidelines are part of and included in the Covenants.

                        –  Water reporting violations: one homeowner was over their annual allotment, four homeowners did not report a meter reading, and five homeowners reported late. The Board determined that these are covenant violations in accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions of Wissler Ranch; notification letters will be sent and a Board hearing will be conducted next month.

                        – The Committee received a written complaint of a violation of the WR Political Sign Policy. Reminder emails have been sent requesting homeowners bring their property into compliance.

– Design Review: Wayne reported on the projects he & Pete are working on to include an update on the entrance light repair and power issue. Pete will install a ‘prototype’ solar panel to gauge feasibility of a low-cost fix.

            – Infrastructure: Hal reported that the HOA is unable to move forward on the cistern project until money is allocated from the TLMFD budget.     

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim received a complaint of a vehicle parked overnight for multiple nights in the common area parking lot. Reminder: overnight parking is not permitted for any reason in the common area lot.

            – Welcome: absent

            – Website: absent

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): absent; Jim reported that there may be grant money available to assist in local mitigation efforts. He will reach out to Deb for details.

            – Old Business:

                        – None           

– New Business:

            –  Homeowner concerns: a homeowner brought up that ‘someone in the neighborhood was feeding deer with corn in a bucket from their backyard.’ A reminder that according to CO Parks & Wildlife, “It is illegal in Colorado to intentionally place or distribute feed, salt blocks, or other attractants for big-game animals. This problem is mainly associated with deer.” An email blast will be sent to all property owners reminding them not to feed the deer.

            – The annual budget ratification meeting will take place in December. There was much discussion over the notional budget presented to the Board by the Treasurer. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the proposed budget based on an increase in annual dues to $250; motion passed. The proposed budget will be presented to the homeowners at next month’s meeting.

– Adjournment: a motion was made and seconded to adjourn; motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m.

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