Wissler Ranch HOA Monthly Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes March 20, 2021

  • Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch HOA March Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19
  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:

 Board Members: quorum established

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – excused absence

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner

Pete Popp

Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick

 Committee Chairs:

Covenant Revision – vacant

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock

Infrastructure – absent

Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)

Water – Sharla Davis

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: Kathy Iverson, Marty Mundt

  • Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the February 2021 minutes; motion passed. The Board meeting minutes will be posted on the website and mail-kiosk bulletin board.
  • Reports:

 – Officer:

            – President: no report

             – Vice President: no report

            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report; one homeowner is delinquent with their annual dues. She screen-shared the financials and explained line items on the balance sheet as a ‘snapshot;’ WR continues to be in good fiscal standing. Thank you, Kathleen!


            – Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, WR Rules, Policies, and Design Review Guidelines also require compliance.

                        – One homeowner has not paid their water reporting covenant violation fines and is now delinquent. In accordance with the WR collection policy, the collection process will start.

                        – Two covenant clarification/variance requests were received regarding exceeding the WR pet limit of no more than two dogs and two cats per lot; both were notified that variances would not be approved.    

            – Design Review: Pete reported on the projects he and Wayne are currently working and Wayne submitted a written synopsis. Thank you, both!

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Deborah reported on all the projects she is working on, including activities for National Community Preparedness day on May 1st. We appreciate your efforts to keep our properties healthy and our community Fire Wise approved.

            – Infrastructure: no report

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim discussed the ‘mail theft’ notice from the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office. The targeted areas mentioned in the letter were near Hodgen and Black Forest; no incidents reported in WR, King’s Deer, Hawk Ridge, or Elk Creek. Jim reminded everyone to check their mailbox daily; a homeowner suggested taking outgoing mail to a PO or USPS drop box when possible. As a reminder, if you notice any suspicious activity, please contact the EPCSO immediately.

            – Water: no report

– Website: no report

            – Welcome: no report

– Old Business: none

– New Business:

            – Homeowner concerns:

            – Jim received comments concerning snow removal around the mail kiosk and talked about previous unsuccessful attempts to hire reliable, consistent help. The Board will continue to pursue reasonable options.

             – A homeowner reminded those in attendance that the county plows work on a priority schedule. Another homeowner mentioned that Wavy Oak, Twisted Pine, and Lockridge are Priority 2; County Line is Priority 1.       

– Covenant Fine Cap Review for Water Violations:

            – Tabled from Feb there was much discussion on reporting deadlines and fine amounts. Due to the importance of the topic and the absence of one of the members, the Board voted to table the issues until next month.

– Declaration Approval Schedule: Jim stated the schedule has been put on hold until at least late summer due to COVID-19 restrictions. Once these are lifted and homeowners are able to safely meet in person, the Board will begin the process again.

– The next virtual Board meeting will be April 17, 2021, @10:00 a.m. An invitation link will be sent; registration is required.

            – Future meeting dates are posted on the mailbox bulletin board as well as the website calendar.

  • Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn @11:10 a.m.; motion passed.

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