Wissler Ranch HOA Monthly Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes August 21, 2021

  • Call to Order: The August Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19


  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:


Board Members: quorum established

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner

Pete Popp


Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick


Committee Chairs:

Covenant Revision – vacant

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock

Infrastructure – Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant

Water – Sharla Davis

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – absent


Homeowners: Eric Doremus, Pat James, Rose Keefe, Marty Mundt, Roy Richardson


  • Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the July 2021 minutes; motion passed. The Board meeting minutes will be posted on the website and mail-kiosk bulletin board.



  • Reports:


– Officer:

            – President: Jim discussed his notes from the August 14, 2021, NEPCO meeting, specifically the ‘warehouse’ project currently postponed at I-25 & Baptist Rd. NEPCO meetings are held at 10:00 a.m. every second Saturday at the Woodmoor Barn and are open to the public.


            – Vice President: There was much discussion again on the cistern project and the lack of support from the new fire chief. Wissler Ranch needs to establish a firm position with regard to their support especially in light of area growth and development and the lack of available water should an emergency arise. Hal reached out and requested a meeting with the District 1 County Commissioner, Holly Williams, to discuss the situation.


            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report; 19620 Box Oak delinquency has been turned over to the HOA’s lawyer for lien/collections. She screen-shared the financials and explained line items on the balance sheet as a ‘snapshot’ in time.


                        – Money was spent for an exterminator to remove wasps and their nest from the mail kiosk. Kathleen reminded everyone that the mailboxes are property of the US Postal Service and if any issues arise, to please contact the Briargate PO manager. Thank you, Kathleen!



            – Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, WR Rules, Policies, and Design Review Guidelines also require compliance.


                        – The Committee received several complaints and one homeowner presented a formal statement regarding unapproved structure/landscape modifications and nuisance concerns. The homeowner emailed a letter to the Board regarding covenant issues and requested an investigation of complaints. Covenant reminder emails/letters will be sent to property owners and the Board will follow up with the HOA’s attorney regarding facts obtained against one property.


                        – The Board previously determined that a home-based daycare would be required to carry insurance with the HOA as a named additional insured. A copy of the policy was requested and received on August 23, 2021.


            – Design Review: Wayne reported on the numerous projects he and Pete are currently working on and stated that this has been their busiest year ever. Thank you both!


                        – There was much discussion on the proposed revisions to the WR Flagpole, Flag, and Sign policy which was approved in June to incorporate changes to CCIOA which take effect on September 7, 2021. Pete presented the revisions to the policy and, after further discussions, a motion was made to approve as written; motion was seconded and passed. The policy will be signed and posted on the website.


            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Debbie is currently working on our ‘Firewise’ certification.

            – Infrastructure: no report

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim reported that our National Night Out event was cancelled due to the threat of inclement weather and there have been no reports from the sheriff’s office regarding issues in our area.

            – Water: no report

– Website: no report


            – Welcome: no report


– Old Business: There was much discussion on the proposed revisions to the WR HOA Policies and Procedures for Covenant and Rule Enforcement regarding the fines for well and water usage violations.


            – One attendee recommended reinstating the requirement for homeowners with ornamental and recreational water features to submit receipts for commercially purchased water along with the annual meter reading. The motion seconded and passed.


                        –  As a reminder, per the CO Water Court Decree, Wissler Ranch residents are prohibited from using well water to fill any type of outdoor feature and Colorado law permits rain barrel use for property irrigation only. Ornamental and recreational use of water collected from rain barrels is not permitted.


            – Additional changes were made to the fine schedule after the discussion; a motion was made, seconded, and passed to approve the revised WR HOA Policies and Procedures for Covenant and Rule Enforcement regarding the fines for well and water usage violations.

            – Wayne mentioned he would post a ‘well meter reading’ reminder in the mail kiosk near the middle of October. Meter readings are due November 1st of each year.


– New Business: Jim reported that the annual HOA Meeting of the Members will take place on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church in King’s Deer. Additional information will be forth-coming.


            – Homeowner concerns: none


            – The next virtual Board meeting will be September 18, 2021, @10:00 a.m. An invitation link will be sent; registration is required.


            – Future meeting dates are posted on the mailbox bulletin board as well as the website calendar.


  • Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn @12:00 p.m.; motion passed.

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