Wissler Ranch HOA Monthly Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes September 18, 2021

  • Call to Order: The September Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:14 a.m. due to technical difficulties via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19
  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:


Board Members: quorum established

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner – excused absence

Pete Popp – excused absence


Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick


Committee Chairs:

Covenant Revision – vacant

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – absent

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – absent

Infrastructure – Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant

Water – Sharla Davis

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: Rose Keefe, Debra Scott


  • Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the August 2021 minutes; motion passed. The Board meeting minutes will be posted on the website and mail-kiosk bulletin board.
  • Reports:

– Officer:

            – President: Jim discussed his notes from the September 2021 NEPCO meeting, specifically the ongoing ‘warehouse’ issue at I-25 & Baptist Rd and the water ‘loop’ project, routing water from Pueblo and back.

                        –  NEPCO meetings are held at 10:00 a.m. every second Saturday at the Woodmoor Barn and are open to the public.

            – Vice President: There was much discussion again on the cistern project and the lack of support from the new fire chief as the TLMFPD has gone ‘silent.’ Wissler Ranch needs to establish a firm position with regard to their support especially in light of area growth and development and the lack of available water should an emergency arise. Hal reached out and requested a meeting with the District 1 County Commissioner, Holly Williams, to discuss the situation; there has been no response.

            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report; 19620 Box Oak delinquency has been turned over to the HOA’s lawyer for lien/collections. She screen-shared the financials and explained line items on the balance sheet as a ‘snapshot’ in time. The HOA paid for the common area to be mowed and sprayed for weed control. She mentioned that we are trying to build up reserves to fund capital projects like the cisterns.


            – Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, WR Rules, Policies, and Design Review Guidelines also require compliance.

                        – The Committee received several complaints regarding dogs off leash and lack of dog waste pick up, specifically on the trail and throughout the neighborhood. As a reminder, dog owners are responsible for picking up after their pets, as well as keeping them leashed at all times when off property. A motion was made and seconded to order two dog-specific reminder signs to post at each trailhead.

                        – Complaints were also received regarding parking violations, improper outdoor lighting, and unapproved fencing. In-person visits were conducted and reminder emails sent.

            – Design Review: no report. Jim mentioned that a current issue was due a response.

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Kathleen reported for Debbie, who is currently working on our ‘Fire Wise’ certification. Kathleen said that 22 property owners submitted mitigation efforts which equated to almost 600 hours, over $19,000 spent, and the removal of more than 400 cu.ft. of slash. She also wanted to remind everyone that we have until Oct. 31st to report our fire wise activities.

            – Infrastructure: Discussion continued on the lack of support from El Paso County and the TLMFPD for our cistern project.

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim reported that there have been no reports from the sheriff’s office regarding issues in our area but that King’s Deer has seen an increase in suspicious activity.

            – Water: no report

– Website: no report

            – Welcome: Sandy welcomed four new families and is waiting to hear from three more.

                        – She mentioned that she ‘cleaned up the bulletin board’ and that it is ‘in need of some attention.’ Thank you, Sandy, for your efforts! A motion was made and seconded to research a quality, commercially available, park-service type structure to replace the current one.

– Old Business: Kathleen reminded the Board that the new fine and flag policies need to be recorded with the County. Sharla will submit them to the Clerk & Recorder’s Office.

– New Business:

            – Homeowner concerns: the issue of homeowners’ responsibility in picking up dog waste was reiterated.

            – Annual Meeting Plan: Jim reminded everyone that the annual HOA Meeting of the Members will take place on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church in King’s Deer. Sandy will spearhead refreshments. Thank you, Sandy!        

            – The next virtual monthly Board meeting will be October 16, 2021, @10:00 a.m. An invitation link will be sent; registration is required.

  • Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn @10:50 a.m.; motion passed.

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