Wissler Ranch HOA Budget Ratification/Board Meeting Minutes – December 18, 2021

Budget Meeting


  • Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch HOA annual budget meeting was called to order at 10:00 m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions.


The proposed budget was based on the Board of Directors’ vote to increase annual dues to $275 effective for 2022. The focus of the budget continues to be building adequate capital reserves to maintain and replace our 20-year-old infrastructure. Kathleen gave a detailed review of each line item.


– Due to the virtual format, a poll was created for those in attendance to vote ‘yes’ for ratification, ‘no’ to keep the 2021 budget until a 2022 budget passes. There were nine attendees; eight voted in favor, one abstained. The 2022 budget was ratified.


  • Adjournment: The budget meeting adjourned at 10:19 a.m.


Board of Directors’ Meeting:


  • Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch HOA December Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:19 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19


  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:


Board Members: quorum established

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner

Pete Popp


Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick



Committee Chairs:

Covenant Revision – vacant

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – absent

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – absent

Infrastructure – Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)

Water – Sharla Davis

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer


Homeowners: George Celvi, Ken Jenson, Sandy Maurer


  • Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the November 2021 minutes; motion passed. The board meeting minutes will be posted on the website and mail kiosk bulletin board.


  • Reports:


– Officer:

            – President: Jim gave a status update regarding Wissler Ranch augmentation water, stock in the Great Divide Water Company, and the retained lawyer who is continuing to work on the HOA’s behalf to resolve Great Divide documentation issues.


            – Vice President: Hal reported that he finally had a conversation with County Commissioner, Holly Williams, and apparently there is no funding available for our cistern project. There’s also been no response or support from neighboring HOAs; Hal will continue to work on this and reach out to the Red Rocks HOA President and the COS Forest Service.


            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report and reminded everyone that dues are now $275 annually and the payment deadline is Feb. 15, 2022. She screen-shared the financials and WR continues to be in good fiscal standing. There was mention of relooking at an increase in the HOA’s insurance


Committee: Committee reports were waived, with the exception of Design Review, due to possible time constraints from Executive Session:


            – Pete mentioned that the common area playground baby swing is currently off-limits due to a cracked seat. A motion was made and seconded to spend $60 on a replacement; motion passed.

– Old Business: none


– New Business:

            – Homeowner issues:

            – An attendee expressed concern over certain homeowners who continue to let their dogs off leash in the common area and on the trail, as well as the speeding/running stop signs safety issues in the neighborhood.


– The next virtual Board meeting will be January 15, 2022, @10:00 a.m. An invitation link will be sent; registration is required.


            – Future meeting dates are posted on the mailbox bulletin board as well as the website calendar.



  • Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session: Pursuant to CO Rev Stat § 24-6-402 (2016) (E) (3) (a,) in part, “…authorizing the body to meet in an executive session and identification of the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized…”


            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn to executive session @10:48 a.m.; motion carried.


            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn from executive session @11:44 a.m.; motion carried.



  • Adjournment: a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the regular monthly Board meeting at 11:48 a.m,; motion carried.







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