Wissler Ranch HOA Monthly Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes – October 16, 2021

  • Call to Order: The October Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19


  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:


Board Members: quorum established

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner – excused absence

Pete Popp


Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick


Committee Chairs:

Covenant Revision – vacant

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – absent

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock

Infrastructure – Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant

Water – Sharla Davis

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer


Homeowners: Pat James, Rose Keefe, Deb Hinnen


  • Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the September 2021 minutes; motion passed. The Board meeting minutes will be posted on the website and mail-kiosk bulletin board.
  • Reports:


– Officer:

            – President: Jim deferred his comments to agenda items and stated that the Board would go into executive session after ‘Old Business.’ The agenda was updated.


            – Vice President: Hal was unable to present his report due to audio difficulties.


            – Treasurer: Kathleen gave the treasurer’s report, screen-shared the financials, and stated that the HOAs goal is to build up our reserves. She explained line items on the balance sheet as a ‘snapshot’ in time.



            – Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and as such, residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, WR Rules, Policies, and Design Review Guidelines also require compliance.


                        – No report


            – Design Review: Pete reported on all the new builds and landscaping projects he and Wayne are involved with.


                        – Playground equipment inspection: The common area playground equipment is due an annual inspection. Pete reached out to a certified playground equipment inspector and received an initial inspection quote of $350. A motion was made and seconded to approve the spending; motion carried.


            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Debbie reported that she’s received lots of emails from homeowners reporting their mitigation efforts and the numbers look great! She also wanted to remind everyone that we have until Oct. 31st to report our fire wise activities in hours or dollars spent.

            – Infrastructure: Hal was unable to present his report due to audio difficulties.

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim had no report for our neighborhood; however, he received communication from the Sheriff’s office regarding catalytic converter thefts county wide. Please be sure and park your cars, trucks, etc. inside your garage when possible

            – Water: no report

– Website: no report


            – Welcome: no report


  • New Business:


– Water Rights Status: It was brought up at the Great Divide annual meeting that they need the original bill of sale from the Wissler Ranch developer. They will research all documents recorded with the county concerning augmentation water to the aquifers and our lawyer will handle any issues. This does not affect individual well or water rights.


– Commercial Business Resolution – Daycare Facilities – First Read: There was much discussion on the new state legislation which changed the law/CCIOA authorizing home daycare businesses and that HOAs must now allow them. The Board, in conjunction with the HOA’s attorney, created a policy to minimize risks to the Wissler Ranch HOA and its homeowners.


            – A homeowner expressed concern over increased speeding and running stop signs within the neighborhood. Another homeowner requested a recap of the policy be presented at the annual meeting.


            – A motion was made and seconded to approve the policy as amended by the lawyer; motion carried. The new policy will be signed, recorded with the county, and posted on the website.


– Homeowner concerns: A homeowner expressed concern over the deteriorating asphalt in front of the mailbox structure. Jim volunteered to take on the project. A motion was made and seconded to spend $100 on an asphalt repair kit; motion passed. Thank you, Jim!


            – Another homeowner expressed serious safety concerns regarding Hwy 83 traffic, particularly excessive speeding and passing in no-passing zones.


– Annual Meeting Plan: Jim reminded everyone that the annual HOA Meeting of the Members will take place on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church in King’s Deer. Sandy will spearhead refreshments. Thank you, Sandy!


            – Sign-in begins @9:15 a.m. and closes @9:45 a.m. Kathleen asked the Board to arrive @8:30 for room and audiovisual setup.


            – The Board conducted a slide-by-slide review of last year’s presentation and was tasked with updating their particular committee reports no later than 11:59 p.m., Thursday, Oct, 21st.


            – The next virtual monthly Board meeting will be November 20, 2021, @10:00 a.m. An invitation link will be sent; registration is required.


  • Old Business: Sharla will submit three documents to be recorded with the county: flagpole, flag, and sign, and daycare operation policies, as well as the revised fine schedule.


  • Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session: Pursuant to CO Rev Stat § 24-6-402 (2016) (E) (3) (a,) in part, “…authorizing the body to meet in an executive session and identification of the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized…”


            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn to executive session @12:27 p.m.; motion carried.


            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn from executive session @12:43 p.m.; motion carried.


  • Adjournment: A motion was made and seconded to adjourn @12:44 p.m.; motion passed.

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