Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes March 19, 2022

• Call to Order: The March HOA Board of Directors’ regular monthly meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. via a Cisco Webex virtual format due to COVID-19 restrictions.
• Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members, and homeowners were in attendance:
Board Members (quorum established):
President – Jim Keefe
Vice President – Hal Goldback
Sharla Davis
Wayne Gardner
Pete Popp
Other Officers:
Secretary – Sharla Davis
Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick
Committee Chairs:
Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis
Design Review – Wayne Gardner
Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock
Infrastructure –Hal Goldback
Neighborhood Watch – vacant (Jim Keefe, interim)
Website/IT – absent
Welcome – absent
Homeowner: Roy Richardson
• Reports:
– Reading and Disposal of Minutes: motion made and seconded to approve the February 19, 2022, regular monthly meeting minutes; motion passed. These minutes will be posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board and the WR website.
– Officer:
– President: no report; however, Jim did share information regarding the enormous construction project along Jackson Creek Pkwy. There will be single-family homes, townhomes, and apartments on both sides of the road and Jackson Creek will eventually become four lanes between Baptist and Hwy 105. Discussion also occurred on the on-
going surveying at Hwy 83 and County Line. Kathleen emailed the county engineer last month who replied that El Paso County has contracted him to design a roundabout; however, there are no construction dollars currently available and there has been no public input regarding this project. He also stated that El Paso County has to do an access study and that Douglas County will conduct a safety study prior to any construction. Kathleen also mentioned that there is nothing on the CDOT website describing this proposed project.
– Vice President: Hal reported that he spoke at great length with the cistern engineer as our replacement project continues to move forward. A homeowner reminded everyone that County Commissioner Holly Williams, who has not supported these cistern replacement efforts, is up for reelection.
– Grant money may be available after the current legislative session which Jim & Hal will continue to monitor, especially with regard to bills that have been introduced which affect HOAs.
– Treasurer: Kathleen screenshared the financials; all late annual assessments have been received, and WR continues to be in good financial standing. After further review, the Wissler Ranch HOA Policy and Procedures for Unpaid Assessments does not require modification. The annual reminder letter, sent to all home/property owners in late December, has been updated to clarify that late fees will be assessed starting Feb. 16th, the day after the due date, in accordance with the HOA policy.
– Committees:
– Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times. As a reminder, the Design Review Guidelines are part of and included in the Covenants.
– Sharla reported that three of the four outdoor lighting issues from last month have been resolved after reminder emails were sent. A policy proposal to supplement covenant enforcement with regard to ‘nuisance animals’ is still being worked and should be ready by next month’s meeting.
– Design Review: Wayne reported on the projects he & Pete are working on, specifically the damaged playground swing seat. Due to the original order’s four-month backorder status, Wayne reached out to another company; the new seat should be received and installed by the end of this month. The ‘pea gravel addition’ project is still pending. He also reminded everyone that any property structure/landscape modifications must have DRC approval prior to making those changes. The DRC approval process takes at least 30 days once final approved plans are received by the committee. Plans must be approved prior to the start of any project.
– Infrastructure: report given under Vice President – Neighborhood Watch: no report
– Welcome: no report
– Website: no report
– Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Deborah reported that the ‘Firewise’ paperwork has been filed and she is currently working on the community wildfire plan. She attended a virtual mitigation presentation which was extremely informative and will also use current NEPCO information to assist with updating the WR plan. If anyone is interested in helping with this project, please email forestry@wisslerranch.com and let the committee know.
• Old Business:
– none
• New Business:
– Water Rights Status: Jim reported that there are no new updates: the lawyer has been in contact with the original developer and Great Divide; paperwork should be signed and recorded soon which will correctly deed water rights to WR. Kathleen gave a detailed history to bring everyone up to speed. Thank you both for your diligence and knowledge!
– Playground Equipment Report: Covered under Design Review
– Homeowner Concerns: none
– Recommendation on Raising HOA Liability Insurance Limit: A motion was made and seconded to spend $30 to increase our limit from $1 million to $2 million and to spend an additional $500 on the required commercial umbrella to bring total HOA coverage to $3 million; motion passed.
• Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session: Pursuant to CO Rev Stat § 24-6-402 (2016) (E) (3) (a,) in part, “…authorizing the body to meet in an executive session and identification of the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized…”
– A motion was made and seconded to adjourn to executive session @10:53 a.m.; motion carried.
– A motion was made and seconded to adjourn from executive session @11:31 a.m.; motion carried.
• Additional Discussion: A motion was made and seconded to pursue a late water reporting covenant violation fine; motion failed by a 3-2 margin. A motion was made and
seconded to dismiss the fine without a hearing; motion passed by a 3-2 margin. A letter will be sent to the homeowner notifying them of the Board’s decision to waive the late reporting fine.
• Adjournment: a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the regular monthly Board meeting at 11:37 a.m.; motion carried.

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