Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes August 20, 2022

  • Call to Order: The August HOA Board of Directors’ regular monthly meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. via Cisco Webex.
  • Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members, and homeowners were in attendance:

 Board Members (quorum established):

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner

Pete Popp

Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick

Committee Chairs:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock

Infrastructure –Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: Pat James, Roy Richardson, Debra Scott

  • Reports:

Reading and Disposal of Minutes: motion made and seconded to approve the July 2022 regular monthly meeting minutes; motion passed. These minutes will be posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board and WR website.

 – Officer:

            – President: Jim reported that he had forwarded multiple ‘nuisance animal’ complaints to the HOA’s attorney. The attorney has created a team to brainstorm resolution options.

Vote to approve changes to follow 2022 Legislative adjustments for HOA covenant, policy, and rule enforcement: HB22-1137 became effective August 9, 2022. The Board discussed in great detail the changes that would need to be made during the last two regular monthly meetings and held two working meetings to create Wissler Ranch policies to conform with the new law. After homeowners had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss, a motion was made and seconded to approve the Policy of the Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association Regarding Policies and Procedures for Covenant, Policy, and Rule Enforcement. The policy will be recorded with El Paso County and posted on the WR website once it signed by the Board President.

            – Vice President: Hal reported that a cistern pump demonstration would be held directly after this meeting, and that a firm budget should be delivered within 10 days. Monument Fire Dept declined attendance due to training backlog; Hal will take notes and share with Chief Bumgarner.

Treasurer:  Kathleen screen-shared the financials and discussed the unexpected legal fee expenses, predominantly due to amending the conveyance of water rights. The legal steps were more complicated and lengthier than anticipated. That has all been resolved and we will be getting the retainer fee back. She reminded everyone that this is a “snapshot in time” and that we need to be cognizant of our expenditures and manage our finances very carefully.


Covenant Compliance: WR is a covenant-protected community and residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times with the Design Review Guidelines, Covenants, Rules, and Policies. All governing documents are posted on the wisslerranch.com website.

– Outdoor lighting continues to be an issue with too bright bulbs and/or non-compliant, unapproved driveway lighting, specifically several properties on Lockridge. The DRC has appointments with these homeowners to discuss resolutions.

Note: Wissler Ranch is designated a ‘dark sky’ community and we should all be cognizant of that distinction when it comes to outdoor lighting. Please review the design review guidelines (DRGs) on the wisslerranch.com website or mail kiosk bulletin board.

– Two separate incidents of off-highway vehicles (dirt bikes) speeding through Wissler Ranch streets occurred; one with two bikes; one with six. As a reminder, Governor Polis signed a law in May 2021 that prohibits licensed and unlicensed OHVs (dirt bikes, ATVs, etc.) on public streets. There is now an open case file with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office regarding illegal motorcycle activity in the neighborhood. As an additional reminder, no motorized vehicles are permitted on the common area trail.

– Per the new CO covenant enforcement statute that went into effect on August 9, 2022, a first-notice covenant violation letter was sent to a homeowner for unapproved accessory structures, a non-compliant detached structure, and a non-compliant commercial sign. The new law states that homeowners have 30 days to cure the violations.

Design Review: Wayne reported on the projects he & Pete worked this month, including reviewing deck reconstruction plans, outdoor lighting issues, and a detached garage plan that must be redesigned to conform with the DRGs.

Infrastructure: report under Vice President.

Neighborhood Watch: no suspicious activity in our area reported by the Sheriff’s office; Jim said there were reported incidents in Kings Deer and Monument. Please be alert and aware, and report any concerns to the EPSO Non-Emergency line, 719-390-5555; in an emergency, call 911.

Welcome: Sandy reported that she welcomed three new families; three more will be moving into the neighborhood in the near future.

Website: Sandy reported for Al, ‘no report.’

Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Deborah reported that community mitigation efforts are going well; seven residents submitted a total of 151 hours, 36 bags, 13 trailer loads, and $3900 spent. Thank you!! She reminded everyone that ongoing mitigation projects and efforts may be reported until Oct. 31st for our ‘Fire Wise’ status. Please email hours worked, # of bags, expenditures for tree trimming/slash removal, etc., to forestry@wisslerranch.com. She is also working on the annual report and wildfire plan renewal.

  • Old Business:

                        – none

  • New Business:

            –  Augmentation Water Rights Status: Jim reported that all documents have been signed and recorded with the El Paso County Clerk & Recorder. Item closed.

Homeowner Concerns: Jim will respond to a homeowner regarding her concern over numerous dead trees on Palmer Divide, aka County Line. As a reminder, these properties are within Douglas County and outside the jurisdiction of the HOA or El Paso County; therefore, Douglas County Zoning or the Colorado Forestry Department should be contacted.

– A motion was made and seconded to spend $800-900 on the annual fall Forest Service inspection to assess the general health of our neighborhood trees. Motion passed; Deborah will schedule. It was also strongly recommended that a Forest Service beetle inspection be scheduled for June 2023. Item tabled.

– A motion was made and seconded to spend $75 on two more common area tree waterings, one to include a fertilizer treatment, since the previously treated trees have really ‘bounced back.’ Motion passed; Wayne will schedule.

WR HOA October Meeting of the Members: Jim reported that the annual homeowners meeting will take place at the TriLakes United Methodist Church on Saturday, October 22, 2022; registration will start at 11:00 a.m. and close at 11:45 a.m. so the meeting can be called to order promptly at 12:00 p.m. Four Board positions will be open for election. Individuals who wish to nominate themselves must notify the Board Secretary in writing (secretary@wisslerranch.com) no later than October 1st. Nominations will not be taken from the floor.

  • Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session: Pursuant to CO Rev Stat § 24-6-402 (2016) (E) (3) (a,) in part, “…authorizing the body to meet in an executive session and identification of the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized…”

            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn to executive session @11:20 a.m. to discuss open covenant issues; motion carried.

– A motion was made and seconded to adjourn from executive session @11:35 a.m.; motion carried.

  • Adjournment: Due to no other business being brought before the Board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the regular monthly meeting at 11:37 a.m.; motion carried.

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