March 31, 2023 Waiver of Notice Board Meeting Minutes

Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ Waiver of Notice Meeting Minutes

March 31, 2023

  • Call to Order: A March HOA Board of Directors’ ‘waiver of notice’ meeting was called to order in person at 10:00 a.m. at the home of the acting Board President.

            – Per the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 3, Waiver of Notice…If all the directors are present at any meeting of the board, no notice shall be required and any business may be transacted at such meeting.

  • Roll Call: the following board members/committee chairs were in attendance:

 Board Members (quorum established):

Vice President/Acting President – Hal Goldback  

Director/Secretary – Sharla Davis

Director – Wayne Gardner

Director – Pete Popp

Committee Chairs:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

  • Old Business: Four open covenant violations were discussed and arrangements made to ‘cure’ and close them per the enforcement policy.
  • New Business:

            Special Assessment: Three new payment plan requests were reviewed. Motions were made and seconded to approve as discussed.

            – Officer Elections: The Board elected new officers: President – Hal Goldback; Vice President and Treasurer – Pete Popp; Director and Secretary – Sharla Davis; Director – Wayne Gardner

            – Resolution: The Board discussed a resolution to change authorized signers on the HOA’s Ent Credit Union accounts to the new President and Treasurer due to the resignation of the previous Treasurer. A motion was made and seconded; resolution passed.

            – Minutes Correction: A motion was made and seconded to amend the July 2021 regular monthly Board meeting minutes to read as follows, “There were no formal minutes recorded for the June 2021 regular monthly Board meeting due to the Secretary’s absence.” Motion carried. The corrected version will be posted on the website.

  • Adjournment: Due to no other business being brought before the Board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:00 p.m.; motion carried.

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