May 25, 2023, Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

  • Call to Order: The May HOA Board of Directors regular monthly meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. at Serranos coffee shop in Monument.
  • Roll Call: the following directors, officers, committee chairs, and homeowners were in attendance:

 Directors: (quorum established):

President – Hal Goldback

Vice President/Treasurer – Pete Popp 

Director/Secretary – Sharla Davis

Director – Wayne Gardner

Committee Chairs:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock (absent)

Infrastructure – Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – Nadine Awald

Website/IT – Al Maurer (absent)

Welcome – Sandy Maurer

Homeowners: John Awald, Kathleen McCormick, Roy Richardson, Joe and Sarah Sholer, Nancy Smith, Jim Spurlock

  • Reports:

 Reading and Disposal of Minutes: A motion was made and seconded to approve the April 15, 2023, regular monthly meeting minutes; motion passed. These minutes will be posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board and WR website.

– Officers:

            – President: Hal reported on a new ‘water-wise’ bill (SB23-178) which encourages xeriscaping and allows vegetables gardens in the front, back, and/or sides of properties. Homeowners are reminded that, while vegetable gardens do not require DRC approval, any fencing would require approval prior to installation. The bill also requires ‘…an association to permit the installation of at least 3 garden designs that are preapproved by the association for installation in front yards.” The DRC will work on proposed designs and present them to the membership.

            – Vice President: no report

            – Treasurer: Pete presented the monthly budget report and stated that, with regard to the special assessment, seven families are on a payment plan, two are delinquent; all other homeowners have paid in full.

                                    – Pete also reported that the Association’s books were reviewed by a committee made up of a WR homeowner who is a retired CPA (thank you, Dave Aspenson!), a homeowner who will be the new treasurer (Jay Best), and a Board director (Sharla Davis). Kudos to the former treasurer, Kathleen McCormick, for over 10 years of excellent record/bookkeeping.

                                                – Another request was made to the former treasurer for spreadsheet passwords to assist in the transition; request denied with no explanation.

                                    – A motion was made and seconded to nominate Jay Best as the new Wissler Ranch HOA treasurer beginning June 2023; motion passed. Jay will take over the books next month. Thank you, Jay!

– Committees:

            – Covenant Compliance: Wissler Ranch is a covenant community and residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times with Design Review GuidelinesCovenants, Rules, and Policies. All governing documents are posted on the website.

                        – There were major unapproved landscape modifications to a property made without DRC notification, motorcycles traveling on the neighborhood streets (reported to EPSO), parking on combustible surfaces, utility trailers on site for more than seven days, and the propane tank violation still has not been resolved.

                                    – Per the Covenant Enforcement Policy, homeowners have 72 hours to ‘cure’ public health and safety violations; 30 days to ‘cure’ non health/safety ones, in order to avoid further HOA action and/or fines.

– Design Review: Wayne reported on the projects he and the DRC reviewed this month. As a reminder, per the DRGs, the committee has 30 days to review and approve requests.

            – Due to a very busy month, the summary was broken down into categories: landscape, hardscape, roofing, temporary storage, tree mitigation requests, and propane tank removal. Wayne also updated everyone on the status of a new bulletin board and paving/resurfacing in front of the mailbox structure.

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): absent

            – Infrastructure: no report

            – Neighborhood Watch: Nadine reported that she forwarded the Sheriff’s quarterly report to the WR neighborhood email group, and that she received complaints regarding loose dogs and trespassing/’cutting through yards.’

                                    – As a reminder, covenant violations should be reported to

                                    – Please be alert and aware, and report any concerns to the EPSO Non-Emergency line, 719-390-5555; in an emergency, call 911.

                         – Welcome: Sandy stated she welcomed a new family and that ‘others are lined up.’ Thank you, Sandy!

            – Website: absent

  • Old Business:

            – Cistern Construction Status: The Infrastructure and Design Review Committees met on site with a Mountain View Electric Association engineer and the contractor to assess power capabilities. An estimate should be available within a few weeks. The DRC will post updates on

  • Motion to Adjourn to Executive Session: Pursuant to CO Rev Stat § 24-6-402 (2016) (E) (3) (a,) in part, “…authorizing the body to meet in an executive session and identification of the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized…”

            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn to executive session @5:09 p.m. to discuss lawsuit status, covenant issues pending, and special assessment payment plans; motion carried.

            – A motion was made and seconded to adjourn from executive session @5:36 p.m.; motion carried.

  • New Business: A motion was made and seconded to return to the open business meeting @5:37 p.m.

             – A motion was made and seconded to expend funds and retain an attorney for a second lawsuit brought against the HOA by the same homeowner; motion passed.

                        – A homeowner wanted to know the date the new lawsuit was filed. Pete provided a synopsis of the two cases, which are a matter of public record.

            – A motion was made and seconded to approve new special assessment payment plans; motion passed.

            – Homeowner Concerns:

                        – A homeowner submitted a written request to be notified of all Association meetings and to be provided copies of all meeting agendas ‘from this date forward.’

                        – A homeowner wanted to know the status of a ‘cistern committee.’ There will be no specific committee; the DRC will oversee the cistern project and use ‘subject-matter expert’ volunteers as needed.

Adjournment: Due to no other business being brought before the Board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the regular monthly meeting at 5:51 p.m.; motion carried.