Cistern Project Update

Howdy Wissler Ranch Homeowners

The board would like to share a, high-level update on the progress of the cistern project.  Please see below for our first update.

  1. All Wissler Ranch Homeowners have either paid in full or are on an approved payment plan.
  2. The Wissler Ranch Board has determined the Design Review Committee (DRC) will oversee the project along with the project coordinator/HOA President and any other neighborhood experts as necessary.
  3. The project team has met with Mountain View Electric and Advanced Septic Solutions to map out the site.  MVEA is projecting 3-10 weeks to have power available. They are working on replacing the transformer at the corner of Slash Pine and Wissler Ranch Road with a larger one that will be able to handle the power needs. They are also preparing an easement that will need to be granted by the HOA to run the power lines and place a new power cabinet.
  4. The engineer, (referred by our contactor) has submitted a flexible scope of work that allows the project team to select hourly consulting as needed.
  5. Cistern updates can be heard at the monthly HOA board meetings.

Kind Regards,

Your Wissler Ranch Board of Directors

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