January 20, 2024, Regular Monthly Board Meeting is Cancelled

(copy of email sent to all home/property owners and posted on the website/BB 16 Feb 24; the next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be Saturday, Feb. 17th, 10:00 a.m., TLUMC)

Dear Homeowners,

As you may know, a meeting of the Board of Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association is scheduled for 10:00 AM, this Saturday, January 20, at Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church. I have discovered that we’ll lack a quorum, so this meeting is hereby cancelled.  I wanted to get this message sent just as soon as I was informed, to avoid people arriving at the Church, only to find that there is no meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at president@wisslerranch.com or the board at board@wisslerranch.com.

Regards to all,

Harold Goldback, President

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association, Inc.