Cistern Update – from the HOA President

The pumps have been installed in the vault.  Their control unit is also installed and power is connected to it.  Now, backfill and final grading will start shortly.  We appear to have adequate topsoil and re-seeding will take place at an appropriate time after the final grading is done, depending on fall and winter weather.  The apron in front of the hydrant, which was the parking for the original sales trailer, will see an additional layer of pavement to accommodate fire trucks and tenders.  At the same time, the pavement in front of the mail structure will be improved, to eliminate the puddle that often appears when it rains. A revised paving bid is now being sought.  Soon, the two cisterns will be filled by Monument Fire and testing will be done.  Then, a celebration will be called for, so keep an eye out for an invitation.