Wissler Ranch HOA Board of Directors’ Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes October 15, 2022

  • Call to Order: The October HOA Board of Directors’ regular monthly meeting was called to order at 10:01 a.m. via Cisco Webex.


  • Roll Call: the following board members, officers, committee chairs/members, and homeowners were in attendance:


Board Members (quorum established):

President – Jim Keefe

Vice President – Hal Goldback  

Sharla Davis

Wayne Gardner (absent)

Pete Popp


Other Officers:

Secretary – Sharla Davis

Treasurer – Kathleen McCormick


Committee Chairs:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Wayne Gardner (absent)

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deborah Bullock

Infrastructure –Hal Goldback

Neighborhood Watch – vacant

Website/IT – absent

Welcome – Sandy Maurer


Homeowners: Roy Richardson


  • Reports:

Reading and Disposal of Minutes: motion made and seconded to approve the September 2022 regular monthly meeting minutes; motion passed. The minutes will be posted on the mail kiosk bulletin board and WR website.


– Officer:

            – President: Jim deferred his comments to Board Discussion/Planning, Meeting of the Members


            – Vice President: Hal stated he had four cistern information panels created by Tri-Lakes Printing to present and discuss with homeowners at the annual meeting


            – Treasurer:  Kathleen screen-shared the financials and discussed several line items, particularly the unexpected legal fee expenses. She reminded everyone that this is a “snapshot in time,” that we need to be cognizant of our expenditures, and manage our finances very carefully. 



            – Covenant Compliance: Wissler Ranch is a covenant community and residents are legally obligated to maintain compliance at all times with the Design Review Guidelines, Covenants, Rules, and Policies. All governing documents are posted on the wisslerranch.com website.


                        – The HOA continues to receive complaints about off-highway vehicles, specifically dirt bikes and ATVs, being ridden on neighborhood streets. Colorado statute prohibits the use of these licensed and unlicensed vehicles on public roadways; however, the HOA does not have the authority to regulate them. Concerns with these vehicles should be addressed to the El Paso County Sheriff’s non-emergency response line, 719-390-5555, or reported on their website, https://www.epcsheriffsoffice.com/services/file-crime-report-online.


                                    – As a reminder, motorized vehicles are not permitted in the Common Area, including the trail. Please ensure your family members and guests are aware that this is a Covenant violation.

Design Review: Pete reported on the projects he and Wayne reviewed this month, including common area tree status, homeowner mitigation plans, and resolving several outdoor lighting and detached structure covenant violations.

            – Infrastructure: Hal has prepared a detailed cistern presentation for the annual meeting; Hal and Jim will meet with Chief Kovacs this week. Board members and Monument Fire Department representatives will be available for questions prior to the meeting. Homeowners are encouraged to contact their insurance carriers to see how much their rates would change if we have a pressurized water delivery system in the neighborhood.

            – Neighborhood Watch: Jim said he had nothing to report.


                                    – Please be alert and aware, and report any concerns to the EPSO Non-Emergency line, 719-390-5555; in an emergency, call 911.


            – Welcome: Sandy reported that she’s waiting for one property to close so she can welcome the new residents.

            – Website: Sandy reported for Al that the website is updated and current.

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): Deborah reported that the annual neighborhood forestry review final report should be available today; several infested trees have been identified and marked/taped.


                        – Homeowners are reminded that any landscape modifications, including tree removal, must be approved by the DRC prior to starting any property alterations.


                        – Deborah also reminded everyone that ongoing mitigation projects and efforts for our ‘Fire Wise’ status may be reported until Oct. 31st. Please email hours worked, # of bags, expenditures for tree trimming/slash removal, etc., to forestry@wisslerranch.com. She is still working on the annual report and wildfire plan renewal.


  • New Business:

            Homeowner Concerns: Jim stated that no concerns were submitted to the Board.


            – Great Divide Annual Meeting: Sharla and Kathleen attended the Great Divide Water Company annual meeting of the members on October 14, 2022, and gave a summary of the business conducted. Kathleen presented two action items for the GDWC Board regarding their fee structure and potential commercial pumping options.


            – 2021-22 Legislative Rules: Jim reported that the Board worked diligently with the HOA’s attorney regarding new CO HOA legislative changes and all applicable laws have been adopted into WR polices, recorded with El Paso County, and posted on the website.


  • Old Business:

            Board Discussion/Planning, Meeting of the Members: The annual homeowners meeting will take place at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church on Saturday, October 22, 2022; registration will start at 11:15 a.m. and close at 11:45 a.m. so the meeting can be called to order promptly at 12:00 p.m.; a motion was made and seconded to purchase easels for the cistern presentation, motion passed. Meeting specifics and details were discussed.


  • Adjournment: Due to no other business being brought before the Board, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the regular monthly meeting at 11:28 a.m.; motion carried.

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