For Membership Approval to be Voted on at the March 16, 2024, Regular Monthly Board Meeting

Wissler Ranch HOA Proposed Budget Ratification Meeting Minutes

December 16, 2023

Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch HOA annual budget ratification meeting was called to order at 10:02 m. at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church.

The Board-approved budget was based on the Association’s priorities as discussed at the annual meeting of the members in October and the November regular monthly Directors’ meeting.

–  The focus of the budget continues to be having sufficient funds to fulfill the Association’s responsibilities, maintain our Common Area and properties, and build adequate capital reserves. Due to the prearranged absence of the new Treasurer, Vice President Peter Popp described the budget in general and President Hal Goldback opened the floor.

– Extensive discussions ensued with three homeowners objecting to a vote due to inaccuracies in the approved budget, specifically, anticipated annual dues revenue was not accurately noted and a line item was listed under the wrong category. Kathleen McCormick made a motion, Roy Richardson seconded, to decline ratification, adjourn the meeting, have the Board resubmit and mail corrected copies to all property owners, and reconvene the budget meeting in January; motion failed with 9 for, 12 against. After further discussions, Peter Popp made a motion to strike a sentence from the cover letter regarding automatic transfer of excess funds to capital reserves, make pen and ink changes at this meeting to reflect the correct revenue, move the playground inspection under operating budget, and send the revised corrected copy to all property owners within the next two weeks; motion passed with 13 for, 8 against.

– There were 21 attendees. A motion was made and seconded to ratify the 2024 revised, corrected budget; motion passed with a 13 for, 8 against vote.

Adjournment: The budget meeting adjourned at 11:22 a.m.

January 20, 2024, Regular Monthly Board Meeting is Cancelled

(copy of email sent to all home/property owners and posted on the website/BB 16 Feb 24; the next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be Saturday, Feb. 17th, 10:00 a.m., TLUMC)

Dear Homeowners,

As you may know, a meeting of the Board of Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association is scheduled for 10:00 AM, this Saturday, January 20, at Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church. I have discovered that we’ll lack a quorum, so this meeting is hereby cancelled.  I wanted to get this message sent just as soon as I was informed, to avoid people arriving at the Church, only to find that there is no meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at or the board at

Regards to all,

Harold Goldback, President

Wissler Ranch Homeowners Association, Inc.