May 2024

Wissler Ranch HOA Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes

May 18, 2024

  • Call to Order: The Wissler Ranch HOA May Board of Directors’ regular monthly meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Tri-Lakes United Methodist Church. As a reminder, there was no April 2024 meeting due to an oversight by the church; the building was locked and unavailable.
  • Roll Call: The following board members, officers, and homeowners were in attendance:

 Board Members: (quorum established)

President – Hal Goldback

Vice President – Peter Popp

Director/Secretary – Sharla Davis

Director – Wayne Gardner

Director – Bob Roche

Other Officers:

Treasurer – Jay Best

 Committee Representatives:

Covenant Compliance – Sharla Davis

Design Review – Peter Popp

Forestry (includes Fire Wise) – Deb Bullock (absent)

Infrastructure – Peter Popp

Website/IT – Al Maurer (prearranged absence)

Welcome – Sandy Maurer (prearranged absence)

Homeowners: John and Nadine Awald, Roy Richardson

  • Reading and Disposal of Budget Meeting Minutes: At the February 2024 regular monthly meeting, a homeowner requested the December 2023 proposed budget meeting minutes be made available to the membership for their approval. A motion was made and seconded to table approving the minutes until all homeowners had an opportunity to review and submit recommendations/proposed changes.

            – The Board sent the proposed budget meeting minutes in an email blast to all homeowners listed on the official WR roster, and posted them on the website and bulletin board. Only one response was received.

            – Pete made a motion, Bob seconded, to approve the December 2023 budget meeting minutes as originally proposed; motion passed with a vote of 7 for, 1 against. These minutes will be posted on the website and mail kiosk bulletin board.

  • Reports:

 – Officer:

            – President: Hal discussed progress on the cistern replacement project. Pump delivery was delayed; however, he expects it to be here within the week and installation should be completed by the end of the month. Final grading and landscape restoration will take place after the install. A ‘grand opening’ will be held when Monument Fire Department schedules filling and testing of the new system.  

            – Hal also shared information from the NEPCO (Northern El Paso County Coalition of Community Organizations ( meeting on May 11th. The NEPCO lawyer was the guest speaker and gave an extensive update on the latest legislation affecting HOAs. He will circulate a synopsis of his presentation, and Hal will share with the WR community once he receives it.

            – Vice President: no report

            – Treasurer: Jay gave the treasurer’s report and reminded everyone that all dues and special assessments have been received. WR continues to be in good financial standing.


            – Covenant Compliance: Sharla reported that non-compliant outdoor lighting continues to be an issue. Six first-notice violation letters were sent for too bright bulbs, four have been cured; two second- notice violations with assessed fines were sent for not resolving the violations within the 30-day cure period. There was also one 72-hour public health and safety violation notice sent for parking on the grass; same-day cure.

                        – Two homeowners complained of several dog-off-leash incidents, especially in the common area and nearby streets. As a reminder, El Paso County law and WR Covenants require dogs to be leashed at all times when off property.

                                    – Additionally, there were complaints regarding a Hawk Ridge neighbor who refuses to walk his small white dog on a leash and continues to let it trespass on WR properties. The issue has been reported numerous times to Animal Law Enforcement and, while the individual has been ticketed according the HSPPR representatives, our only other recourse, per ALE, is to take the gentleman to court.

            – Design Review: Wayne reported on the projects he and the DRC reviewed and are working.

            – Infrastructure: Pete reported that the new bulletin board will be installed on Thursday, May 23rd. He also stated that the common area trail will be ‘resurfaced’ before the end of the month.

                        – Bob brought up the need for WR street-sweeping and will submit a request to the county via the website, As a reminder, this website is available to all county residents for requesting a variety of services, including snow plowing neighborhood streets.

                        – Sharla mentioned that the county recently completed a previously submitted request to fill potholes on Kersdale.

            – Welcome: no report

            – Website: no report

            – Forestry (includes Fire Wise): no report. Homeowners expressed concern and frustration over the lack of attendance and dissemination of information from the committee.

  • New Business:

– Neighborhood Watch: Nadine Awald, EPCS Community Outreach Representative, reported that she is working with a new deputy who recently took over the Neighborhood Watch program. There were no suspicious activities reported in our area.

            – Homeowner concerns: none

  • Old Business: There was a brief discussion on insurance premiums and the capped dues amount.
  • Adjournment: Due to no other business being brought before the Board, Wayne made a motion, Hal seconded, to adjourn the regular monthly meeting at 11:26 a.m,; motion carried.